Fibromyalgia mostly imitated by 5 commonly misdiagnosed conditions
Imagine that how hard it is to accept that nothing seems to fix the condition going on in your body regardless of how much time you are spending and how much excessive amounts of...
Imagine that how hard it is to accept that nothing seems to fix the condition going on in your body regardless of how much time you are spending and how much excessive amounts of...
There are a lot of people with fibromyalgia who try to do anything in order to continue their work and routine. At times, the pain becomes severe in between the work, but if you...
Women who are suffering from yeast infections and fibromyalgia are unable to decide either the medication for one disease is causing the other or the other one is a natural predecessor to a flare-up....
According to some research, diet can control the chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia. There are certain foods that contain chemicals and can worsen the pain sensitivity either directly or indirectly that fibromyalgia sufferer’s experience....
Suffering from fibromyalgia may create some hindrance in your work. You can feel more exhausted on the top of the fatigue that you are having due to illness, depending on the nature of the...
There are a lot of patients of fibromyalgia that are prescribed with Zoloft. Because, the worst symptoms of fibromyalgia are depression and anxiety, so fibromyalgia patients are often prescribed with antidepressants. Most often, fibromyalgia...
It is very much important to know what your triggers are for fibromyalgia, as it is a step towards feeling better. Every symptom occurs differently in each person and triggers also affect differently on...
Constant aches, pains and discomfort are felt by people with fibromyalgia. Fortunately, there are a lot of medications approved for fibromyalgia such as Lyrica that helps in dealing with the symptoms of fibromyalgia. But...
Fibromyalgia sufferers are sensitive to a lot of things along with pain. Weather, stress, smell, and even the things they eat can affect them. Use of GMOs is the best among the things which...
Omega 3s can help in giving benefits to fibromyalgia patients according to a study conducted in 2012. Medical literature has shown again and again about the effectiveness of omega 3s in helping cardiovascular and...