Two new medications have been developed for fibromyalgia pain and diabetic nerve pain treatment by a company specializing in cannabis-based medicines. A Transdermal patch is placed on the skin and into the bloodstream for the medication of fibromyalgia pain and diabetic nerve pain.
The patch promotes healing to an injured area of the body. As compared to other types of medication delivery such as oral, topical, intravenous, intramuscular, etc, the transdermal drug delivery flight path is more advantageous.
The patch used for the diabetic nerve pain treatment provides the patient with a controlled release of the medication into the patient, it can be provided to the patient via various forms such as:
- Through a porous membrane covering a reservoir of medication.
- Body heat melts thin layers of medication embedded in the adhesive which will be containing high potency cannabinoid (CBD) extract, this extract slowly enters the bloodstream and then penetrates the central nervous system of the patient delivering the pain relief sought.

Click Here to visit the store and get the fibromyalgia awareness merchs
The CEO of cannabis science, Mr. Raymond C. Dabney believes that the future of cannabis science is based on the development of these two new pharmaceutical medicinal applications. The company is striving to enhance the land capacity for growth and facilities to manufacture its own products to supply scientists with proprietary materials to make these formulations. On the other hand cannabis company is also busy researching more potential needs for cannabis medical applications and introducing the methods for delivery of these medications.
Fibromyalgia is estimated to affect 2%-8% of the population while females are about double as likely to suffer from fibromyalgia condition. People with diabetic nerve pain and fibromyalgia experience chronic widespread pain and alarming pain response to pressure. Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is considered as damage or a disease affecting nerves that may impair sensation, movement, gland or organ function, or other aspects of health depending on the type of nerves affected.
‘’CBD is the second major cannabinoid in marijuana after THC. Without the psychoactive effects that THC brings, it has anti-inflammatory and pain-reveling properties. MR Dabney also concludes that: ‘’ as more states nationwide legislate for the legalization of cannabis and cannabis-derived medications, here at Cannabis Science, the focus is on the development of pharmaceutical medications and applications to supply the huge growing demand expected over the coming few years.’’
Cannabis Patch Link

How do I get more information on this? Would like to discuss it with my Rheumatologist
Do you know you can get releaf from Full Spectrum CBD drops and CBD Topical Cream. try it they will give you 60 day money back guarantee. Let me know if you are interested and I can share where I get it.
could you send me info Please. my E-mail, [email protected]
Where do you get your CBD oil??? Is is ? pure full spectrum?? Thank you!!
I would like to know that info also. The where do you get it and how d you know it’s 100%.
Marcus, the company I am a representative for will be releasing a transdermal CBD oil patch in Mid March 2019, let me know if I can help you
Which company? I would like to try out one of these patches!
The company I am a distributor for is Zija International. I would be happy to help you with your order, ordering is through a distributor only.
I would love to try these! My email is [email protected]…….
Hi Diane,
My name is Andrea and Im wondering how or where to order these and you know how much they cost?
I would love to be able to order some of these for my husband who has severe neuropathy.
Please send me info on the patch at: [email protected] Thank you!
I have had Fibromyalgia, bilateral sciatica & bilateral greater trochanter bursitis for 31 years. I’ve also developed osteoarthritis throughout my entire spine in my knees & both ankles. I also have degenerative facet joint disease. I would like any new information about the transdermal canabis pain patches.
Can you send me the info pls
would like info on this to pass to my doc also
Where can I buy these patches???
where can i get these patches for my legs
Hi! I suffer terribly from chronic pain and have used CBD for this. Where could I get these patches?
Can you send me info please. [email protected]
My husband suffers from intense pain, he also has stage 3 kidney failure, and had a pave maker. He is also allergic to the glue used on patches
What other alternatives are there for him?
I am interested in the patches please
I would like info on the transdermal patches.
I would really like to try this patch I have Polymyalgia Rhuematica which they short form PMR and Fibromyalgia along with Rhuematoid Arthritis I have been in chronic pain for years and have been diagnosted for all of the above. I take CBD oil and at times Thc and cbd oil combined without it I can’t function much I am also taking nerve pain blockers but I would prefer to take all natural ad herbal medication I’m tired of pill being put in my body. I was on a low dose of Prednisone for over for years,but I had to start with high doses at first and then ween myself down I became huge. After taking the CBD oil I decided to gradually go off of Prednisone. Thank you for reading my information could you pass it on to Marcus, I would very much appreciate this. Sincerely Corinne.
Are these patches available in South Africa?
I would like infotoo
People are getting upset! I cannot comment
Does insurance pay for the patches?
I would like to know where I can get Cannabis patch as it is new.
Where do I get this as I’m in pain every day????
Marcus, the company I am a representative for will be releasing a transdermal CBD oil patch in Mid March 2019, let me know if I can help you
what do I have to do to get CBD? I have Fibromyalgia pain everyday~ thanks
I am very interested in this. If you’d be willing to send me info on how I could get this through your company and the cost I’d be most appreciative. I’m 34 and deal with several conditions that cause nerve pain. I used CBD and cannabis but this could be very helpful!
Hi Carly, my email [email protected] also Zija
Please send me information as to how I can buy it
Could u send details ails please for my partner thank u
Can I get this info as well. Have fibromyalgia and neuropathy .
I would love to try these.
Oklahoma is making progress on helping people that need these and are so tired of taking meds that make them sick,it will be a blessing
Where can I get this?
Help…. fibromyalgia osteoarthritis in both shoulders elbows knees hips ankles both wrists now in hands and feet degenerative disc disease
In pain all the time. This patch sounds like it would change the quality of my life. Where can I find patch in Chicago northern suburbs?
is there not a place that I can get it noe
same here …. so much in pain … i hope to get this patch maybe my life would change finally .. 13 years in pain but very very much these last 5 yrs …
I’d like to know too but I also use a fabulous CBD Cream with 500 mg CBD and also Emu oil in it and I would go a Day with out it!!
Are these pt he’s available in Australia yet? As we have a very strict FDA that takes forever to approve th8ngs
Here in Cali I get them as well as the capsules at my local dispensary
Jean, I represent a multimillion dollar company who will be releasing transdermal CBD OIL PATCH in mid March 2019. Let me know if I can help you, fibro for 20 years.
Is there a website or email for this company? I’d like to know how to order this patch for my husband!
Where can you purchase these patches
I would really like to know how I can get Cannabis Patch and also the chewing gum please?
Try Apothecanna Cream available at your local dispensaries ….
This is not the patch that everyone is asking for. I hate when these ads come out, people want to know how and where to get them and not response to these questions. If someone put’s these ads out without any direction on how to obtain, then don’t bother!!!
I was just thinking the same thing. No mention of cost or where to get. Just one woman “Diane” that keeps mentioning the Multimillion dollar company she works for, Zika International. From what I was reading it sounds like a pyramid scheme. Probably owned by one of the cults that reside in Utah where it says its located.
Does anyone know where we can purchase these Cannibis patches? Thank you!
im on pain meds doesnt work how can i get this please……
Where ca these patches be got please? I am in Ireland (Republic). Are they prescribed by dr? How much? Legal here?
I am desperate for pain relief but live in the UK will you be supplying to the UK
Interested in pain patches as I have both Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy!
I have osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, in my right hip knees and both feet. I am 71 and depressed and angry that my once active life has gone because of this awful condition I have. Please send me information about the patches and other ways to get pain relief.
Thank s , Ms Cummings r u originally from Quakertown, PA,?
Please send info. My friend is in agony with diabetic PN.
I have diabetic nerve pain and would like info please.
You can grow a plant, harvest and make your own medicine.
Indeed you can, but you need to be able to take out the psychoactive ingredient. Some dodctord will prescribe CBD, but very rare.
Hemp is just your CBD not a drop of THC. Check your hemp laws in your state. I know President Trump did legalize Hemp so we could all get CBD, it was extremely expensive. Thank your President. Again check the laws in your state. CBD is amazing!!! Every form from either plant has so many benefits .
I’m interested…please send me information on how to get.
Yes I would gladly participate in the tests for fibromyalgia. Contact me.
O have diabetic nerve pain in my toes and can not afford lyrics. Does this really help?
If your diabetic and live in England you do not have to pay for prescriptions for the rest of your life once diagnosed, i have no problem getting lyrics IE pregabalin pharmaceutical name lyrica
Talk with your Dr office. I get my Lyrica free from the manufacturer because I am below their income guidelines.
Hi Julia , would be nice if you gave us the company name , so if we need the product , we have somewhere to start.
This might help:
The patch from Leafly contains THC. If you don’t mind being high at the same time… I would prefer just the CBD content, THC will get me fired from my job.
Am interested in finding where to purchase these for pain relief. My hubby has shoulder , and hand pain all the time. He was and is a welder by trade. Also back pain.
My wife suffers with arthritis every day for the last 15 to 20 years, we have been married for over 36 years and I feel hopeless to help her, any help for her would be fantastic.
David, I sympathize on the feelings of helplessness when it comes to our loved ones. My son has Cystic Fibrosis and no amount of treatments will cure him. All we can hope for is a life that doesn’t exist with chronic discomfort. Let’s talk and see if the patch or another intake method would be best.
Do you know you can get releaf from Full Spectrum CBD drops and CBD Topical Cream. try it they will give you 60 day money back guarantee. Let me know if you are interested and I can share where I get it.
so would I..i have PVD, Fibro, and diabetic neuropathy in addition to many other diagnosis..would love to be involved in the study
I have MD, Fibromylasia, Osteoporosis. Just tell how I can be in this study. I willk travel to whereever needed.
Please let me be a guinea pig if you need people to test these on. I’ve had fibro for years and sometimes feel I can’t carry on living with the pain xxx
I need it badly. In constant pain everyday. Where can we purchase the patch.
Interested for biabetic nerve pain
I have severe diabetic neuropathy and am interested
I would like to no to
I would like to know where to get it also
know know know know
me as well…let me know thanks <3
I have had neuropathy for years and it only gets worse where can I buy some patches
i wood like some patchs pls
i NEED these very much, Please where can I purchase them
Is this patch any good for nuropathy and perrithial nuropathy I have suffered both for the past 9 yrs and I’m at present on pregablin an other nerve tabletes
Have same thing
Mary’s Medicinals has been making these for years in Colorado.
Do they have a web site where I could purchase them?thanks
I need help with Diabetic Nuropathy in feet. I’m desperate!!
Where can I get them
Im in severe pain everyday with fibromyalgia and neuropathy . Am interested in finding out more about this patch. Is it available in uk? Please keep me informed regards this topic.
Would this be good for my husbands Arthritis in his lower spine, cannot tolerate opium based pain killers so relys on 8 paracetamol a day for 15 years on top of his Arthritis tablets
Ann, I have been using patches for years. I put them on my wrist on the vein area and on my sciatica to relieve back and leg pain. I feel the patch could be an excellent intake method. We can discuss other options as well, if you’d like. Don’t hesitate to reach out.
I would be interested in trials. I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I do not take anything other than ibuprophen when it’s bad…I’m just exhausted.
I need help with neuropathy pain.
I suffer with diabetic nerve pain in my feet. Would love to learn more and where to purchase the patches.
Where can this be purchased?
Please give me more info about this. thank you
Where can I find these patches I’m in pain 24/7
I would like to try this!! Where and how can I get one of these???
I have been suffering with Fibromyalgia for 10 years. Please tell me how I can obtain these patches. I would be interested in participating in any patient test program.
Thank you.
I would really try patches too- do I need a script?
Like the others I am very interested.
I would like to know about the trial I had a stroke 3yrs ago and I’m in excruciating pain every single day.
I would suggest talking to your Family Doctor. Just a suggestion
I would like to know how to get these
Interested for my son.
Is this available in south Australia?
I am interested in being a tester if you are doing trials please
Are these patches available now? If so, can Dr write prescription or are they purchased elsewhere?
I would like to try this foe pelvic pain how can I get it from is it legal in the UK
I would like to know where I can buy this product and would it work for arthritis ?
can i trial this i use fentanol 150 patches at the moment alone with CBO oil x and more medicatio
I would love more information on these patches. I suffer from Chronic migraines which seem to consume most of my life,
Where are these available
I would also like to know on how to get the patches,I’m in pain everywhere & every day thank you
My husband suffers chronic shingles nerve pain in his are, is currently using a TENS machine but is soon to have a defribulator inserted in his chest and will not be able to use his machine. For the love of God when are our Governments going to wake up and legalise this stuff. People are desperate.
You can buy the Cannabis oil from Holland and Barrett.. £19.95 for 10 mls
Count me in, Fibromyalgia, Scoliosis, Arthritis, etc. etc.
omg this is the cure
please where can we get the patch? I live in Canada
Where can I get these patches??
I have Neuro spine pain where can I get some of this patches to buy
I am extremely interested in these patches. How do we get them? I have my MMJ license.
I need help with diabetic pain in left hand and arm and pai in lower back and legs
Is it available in the Uk yet?
I am so in pain I would be a lab rat for the patch. Does it come in full body suit. Lol
My husband has the Diabetic nerve pain… Hasn’t found any thing that will help… If this really works, He would like to try it.
Brill where can you buy these patches
I am in absolute agony, I’ve used cannabis oil. Where can I get the patches or the chewing gum. I really need to get something to help with the pain
I really need this solution for me. I take fentynal and would like to get off it.
Will it help for Rheumatoid
Where do get these patches for Fibromyalgia pain.
Where can I get this
Use cannibus capsules. Can I get patches in Ohio.
I would love to try the patches I have fibromyalgia pain is excessive and most days I just don’t want to move sometimes the pain just comes in waves.
Where can I get these patches please
Where can I get these patches please
A little respect for history, please. No one should promote the canard that marijuana is dangerous–inherently toxic–like pharmaceutical drugs. Marijuana is not a ‘drug’, unless we lean heavily on Merriam-Webster’s third and broadest definition, as something that affects the mind. By that definition, religion and television (‘the plug-in drug’) should also be included.
There are differences between drugs and medicinal herbs.
Drugs are often useful, but typically burdened with cautionary notes and lists of side effects as long as one’s arm. ‘The works of Man are flawed.’. ‘New’ drugs must be unique creations, different enough from existing ‘approved’ drugs to merit their own patents. They are tested for ‘safety’ among limited groups of ‘subjects’, and therefore carry lists of cautionary notes and warnings–everything lawyers can imagine–implying that the contents have not been proved safe or suitable for all persons.
Medicinal herbs are cultivated, bred, and refined over many years, often over centuries. They are judged successful when they benefit many persons, and are found safe for use within general populations.
“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that had two enemies: the anti-war left and black people. We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting people to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, break up their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” –John Ehrlichman
Activists have since found that marijuana is the ‘gateway’ away from alcohol and opiate addictions. Here prohibition of cannabis has been built on a tissue of lies: Concern For Public Safety. Our new laws save hundreds of lives every year, on our highways alone. In November of 2011, a study at the University of Colorado found that in the thirteen states that decriminalized marijuana between 1990 and 2009, traffic fatalities dropped by nearly nine percent—now nearly ten percent in Michigan—more than the national average, while sales of beer went flat by five percent. No wonder Big Alcohol opposes it. Ambitious, unprincipled, profit-driven undertakers might be tempted too.
In 2012 a study released by 4AutoinsuranceQuote revealed that marijuana users are safer drivers than non-marijuana users, as “the only significant effect that marijuana has on operating a motor vehicle is slower driving”, which “is arguably a positive thing”.
No one has ever died from an overdose of marijuana. It’s the most benign ‘substance’ in history.
Marijuana has many benefits, most of which are under-reported or never mentioned in American newspapers. Research at the University of Saskatchewan indicates that, unlike alcohol, cocaine, heroin, or Nancy (“Just say, ‘No!’”) Reagan’s beloved nicotine, marijuana is a neuroprotectant that actually encourages brain-cell growth. Researchers in Spain (the Guzman study) and other countries have discovered that it also has tumor-shrinking, anti-carcinogenic properties. These were confirmed by the 30-year Tashkin population study at UCLA.
Marijuana is a medicinal herb, the most benign and versatile in history. In 1936 Sula Benet, a Polish anthropologist, traced the history of the word “marijuana”. It was “cannabis” in Latin, and “kanah bosm” in the old Greek and Hebrew scrolls, quite literally the Biblical Tree of Life, used by early Christians to treat everything from skin diseases to deep pain and despair. Why despair? Consider the current medical term for cannabis sativa: a “mood elevator”. . . as opposed to antidepressants, which ‘flatten out’ emotions, leaving patients numb to both depression and joy.
The very name, “Christ” translates as “the anointed one”. Well then, anointed with what? It’s a fair question. And it wasn’t holy water, friends. Holy water came into wide use in the Middle Ages. In Biblical times, it was used by a few tribes of Greek pagans. And Christ was neither Greek nor pagan.
Medicinal oil, for the Prince of Peace. A formula from the Biblical era has been rediscovered. It specifies a strong dose of oil from kanah bosom, ‘the fragrant cane’ of a dozen uses: ink, paper, rope, nutrition. . . . It was clothing on their backs and incense in their temples. And a ‘skinful’ of medicinal oil could certainly calm one’s nerves, imparting a sense of benevolence and connection with all living things. No wonder that the ‘anointed one’ could gain a spark, an insight, a sense of the divine, and the confidence to convey those feelings to friends and neighbors.
Don’t want it in your neighborhood? Maybe you’re not the Christian you thought you were.
Me? I’m appalled at the number of ‘Christian’ politicians, prosecutors, and police who pose on church steps or kneeling in prayer on their campaign trails, but cannot or will not face the scientific or the historical truths about cannabis, Medicinal Herb Number One, safe and effective for thousands of years, and celebrated as sacraments by most of the world’s major religions.
Thank you!!!
Interested in finding out more, I have nerve pain from MS.
This is very interesting and I would be willing to try this . I actually willing to try anything to get rid of pain that no one else can see and thinks oh its not that bad…. 🙁 I am sure if you print this off and take to your Dr. they are more than likely can guild you to how you can get this or your pharmacist. My Doctor already flat out said not to me getting cannabis for smoking for it is not the answer SHE SAID. Another one that does not suffer and thinks because she is book smart she knows what will or will not work for me.
Noticed you haven’t answered any of the comments! Not helpful if we don’t know where to get the products.
I would like to take part in this for my fibromyalgia or where could I get it from please
I would like to take part in this for my frybromialga or where do I get it from
I am very interested in this product and would like to try some out. Please e-mail me a response.
I am very interested in giving the patch a try as I have pain from multiple myeloma cancer.
I am in pain all the time and nothing helps. Are these patches available for me to try?
I would like to try this!! Where and how can I get one of these?
You can make patches- poultices- although they will need to be changed more often. The best way is to take fresh cannabis, mash well, apply to an area of skin where the pain is acute, close to visible veins. Tape gauze over it or use a large patch bandaid. You can also reconstitute dry cannabis with some vodka and apply the same way. Replace when the pain returns.
be nice if it was available to the public or at the very least via neurologists.
You can make patches- poultices- although they will need to be changed more often. The best way is to take fresh cannabis, mash well, apply to an area of skin where the pain is acute, close to visible veins. Tape gauze over it or use a large patch bandaid. You can also reconstitute dry cannabis with some vodka and apply the same way. Replace when the pain returns.
Are doctors prescribing this?
Will any insurance company pay for this patch?
Can I get info on how to get the patch
me and my husband would love to try this we go to work everyday in pain
I was speaking with a brain Surgon and he informed me that medical canibis does not work the healing qualities have been taken out , he said I would be better off moving to a country where I can get old fashioned hash oil , they use it in countries where it is original form , it has been used since 1945; and it works , he said he was not supposed to tell me , but did not want me to waste my time or money , this was off the record
I suffer from Charcot Foot.Home from wk since October.I have no feeling in right foot.Return to wk end of May I hope.I hope i can drive with no feeling in Right Foot.I was in a cast from Oct till Feb.Changed every 3 weeks.Now in a special made Brace/Boot.Heavy as anything.I want this patch also.
I would like to know how to find CBD. Been suffering for 15 years. Nothing helps.
If it’s CBD you want without the THC, you can find it online and buy it. With the THC, you need to get approved from a medicinal marijuana Dr. and then the state will issue you a card and you go to the dispensary or on-line to purchase what you need. Hope this helps some. I just got approved and am waiting for my “card” and hope this works for me. Good Luck!
Internet web site is love cbd my daughter suffers with fibromyalgia and this oil really works the more strength the better
I also whant some please
I would like to try this to save me taking painkillers everyday. Can you please tell me where I can get it from
I live in the UK howcan get these patches
I would like to try the patch as well. Where can I get it? Suffer from Fibromyalgia, diabetic nerve pain in my feet, severe back and neck pain.
I’m interested in this
Please where can these be purchased from ?
Please where can these be purchased from .Thanks
I would also be very interested have fibromyalgia over 10 years now and so sick of been in pain nothing work doctors med’s made me very depressed
Diabetic neuropethy in my feet, legs, and hands.
Does anybody ever get a reply?
I have fibro since before 2000 and the pain is so bad that I have a hard time touching my own skin. I have tried different medications and nothing is working . At times my skin burns like I am on fire. This is a constant daily pain. I need to find something that will help me. I also have RA.
I have fibro since before 2000 and the pain is so bad that I have a hard time touching my own skin. I have tried different medications and nothing is working . At times my skin burns like I am on fire. This is a constant daily pain. I need to find something that will help me. I also have RA.
My RA doctor assured me that if I have Fibromyalgia, there’s no way my positive tests for RA could be accurate as he says if you have one or the other, you can’t have both.
It’s terrible that posts like this pop up, but not one link that I can pull up that actually sells the patches!
I would love more information for purchase, I have fibromyalgia and my husband has diabetic neuropathy in his feet
Many of you are asking where you can get this. I don’t know about the patches, but there is an abundance of choices for the CBD pills at Campbell’s Nutrition….don’t know about online, but they sell it there over the counter in two locations in Des Moines, Iowa.
Is this available in South Africa. I have pain every day of my life. Would like to know more about the patches. Thank you
my son has nerve pain very bad he hurts every day ad night
I need help for Sciatica and Rheumatic pain, where do we find more info..
I would like to try the patches too. How do I get them
wendy…woo oooh am in for the patches to ..when pain gets too much
I would love to get this patch where can I buy it? I have fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto disease, Degenerative Disk Diseases for a few years and on lots of Meds that are not helping, I also get epidural shots but those only work for a few weeks. I need something else I’m tired of taking so many medications that don’t work and with bad side effects.
Very interested to order CBD
CBD is one of more than 80 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Plants high in THC and low in CBD are referred to as marijuana and can cause the user to get “high”. Plants low in THC and high in CBD have no intoxicating side effects and is referred to as hemp. Hemp is legal in all 50 states and more than 40 countries worldwide. Hemp like its cousin marijuana has medicinal properties but unlike marijuana, users do not have to visit a doctor for Rx, or be placed on a registry. CBD is available for purchase legally under the 2014 Farm Bill.
Me too if you find out please let me know . Thanks
I would participate in the trial, I have Fibromyalgia , chronic pain disease, wide spread myalgias, Perifheal Nerve damage, arthritis in my spine and a long list of more issues. Let me know I am very interested
I would like to know where you can get the patches…Please.
I would be interested in being part of this trial also. Fybromyalgia, meningiomas, back operations and recentlyhad pelvic mesh removed.
Very interested
I’m very interested in the trials and also how and where to get them please thank you
I would be interested in a trial of the patches. I don’t have diabetic nerve pain but I do have Neuropathy in both feet causing major pain.
Love how they dangle the carrot and then ignore all the comments asking for more info.
As all the others have said, where do you get these products? I am in contant pain, not only with fibromyalgia but with arthritis of the spine and shoulder and constant sciatica. Life is just miserable!
This sounds good would love to know more
Also have pain every single day. Dr says its fibromyalgia. Where can I get the patches.
Please help am desperate
i would love to know to as im so over the pain and taking tablets all the time
For those interested in the research and information regarding Cannabis Science, CBD and Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Science has launched a new patient information community called Access to community, products, research doctors and more. I think it is a promising place for information on use of hemp and medicinal marijuana for better health management.
I suffer from fiber, where can I get the patch?????
Where do you get these? I would gladly give this a try.
I have FMS as well as my entire family and would love to have the Cannabis pain patch as well as the gum. Is this something my Dr. can order for me as a prescription?
Where and when can I try this
I was diagnosed with fibro myalgia. If possible I would like to be part of the study.
I’ve had fibromyalgia since 2000. I would definitely like to try this.
I would really like to find out where I can get these patches. I have been suffering with Fibromyalgia since 1996. The pain is unbearable some days
You must be in a state where medical or recreational marijuana is legal.
Would like to know where I can purchase the patches.
My daughter suffers with constant pain I’m sure she would be interested in these patches or if you are doing a trail for these patches and need people to try these she tried to get the oil on prescription but she was told she can’t get it on prescription she would jump at the chance to try these .
Hi, I currently use norspan patches, opiod tablets & diazepam. I have chronic lymber back pain from arthritis, I also have peripheral neuropathy in my right hand.
Would love to explore alternative to current pain medications.
Live in ontario Canada. Have constant numbness in both legs and arms and both hands and arms. Going in face. Nauseous all the time. Balance bad. Where do I get this
My fibro is brutal, working mon -fri 9 -5 at a desk is difficult. l would really like to participate in this study
can we get theses of the doctors or cam i buy them x
I have Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, spondylitis, and basically in most of the time. I smoke it but would prefer to try an alternative and also stop taking as many prescribed pain killer’s. Look forward to hearing from you regarding trials ect. Im in Derby in the UK.
I have M.S. Fibromyalgia and nerve issues all over. I would love to have these patches or know where to get them.
I have neuropathy, legs and feet, since 5 years. I use Lyrica 50 mg 5 times a day. I get blurry, dizzy etc
Would like to test cannabis-oil and coconutoil.
Where can i get them. Live in Sweden.
Jan Stanley
this would b fantastic no pain or fatigue
I have Diabetic pain very interesting
I have had amazing results with Lidocane Infusions on a monthly basis. No downtime or side effects. Please look into this as well.
I would love to try this
Try Apothecanna cream … available at your local dispensary!
I would like to know where I can buy these patches from and how much please
I wld like to know more about this. Definitely interested in a trial. I have fibromlyasa, osteoarthritis & arthritis in pain daily & has taken away my normal life.
Teresa, being in chronic discomfort definitely affects quality of life. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have in regards to the transdermal passage. Thank you!
Is this patch legal.
M Burns, CBD/Hemp products are legal in all 50 states. I’d be happy to answer any further questions you may have in regards to Hemp products.
I’m in the uk and suffer so much with fibromyalgia and rightsided weakness from cva.
With 6 children I’m struggling as 3 have cerebral palsy so anything that doesn’t make me like a zombie ?♀️ would be lovely.
Do you know if there is anything in uk or can get shipped to uk that will help. Thanks
no it won’t for that but neurontin pills should help. also I have gotten relief taking termuric/cucumin capsules found in vitamin section at walmart. it decreases inflammation
Read everything at ‘’ before action. The info should help you. Also, get checked for h-pylori bacteria, as this can cause neuro symptoms although the test is unreliable with people reporting several negative tests before a positive. A local herbalist can help you with symptoms too.
I have diabetic nerve pain and use a Quell unit For relief. It works pretty well but you have to wear it all the time and can be expensive for the electromagnetic pads. I recently ordered some cannabis liquid and can’t wait to see how it works.
i had ALL( acute lymphocytic leukemia) which left me with neuropthy in my feet and I’ve had bad bouts with fibro for years. Please let me know where I can get this. Thank you.
Martha, hello. You must be in a lot of pain. I do offer CBD/Hemp patches. Please feel free to reach out to me. I’d love to help you get some relief. Thank you!
Between fibromyalgia pain, arthritis, diabetic neuropathy and after effects of chemo and radiation, I’d be willing to try this to see if it would help any of the pain and discomfort I have.
I hope this works better than the savella, lyrica, ambien, oxy, ETC.ETC. I vigils Judas this for my Fibro or my 6 bulging discs. I’m in AS, help me.
Oh my goodness, Daniel! I can tell you it’s not an invasive intake method; and CBD/Hemp does not have the harmful side effects as prescribed pharmaceuticals.
Let’s speak more. Reach out or join my FB group. I provide free information on all things Hemp.
Is this prescribed by my doctor? If not how do I get a sampler, it’s for fibromyalgia. I suffer daily.
Thank you
Teresa, sadly, most FDA Approved doctors, which means your primary care physician, does not prescribe. Most won’t even speak to you about it, unfortunately.
Some companies could give samples, but I know as a business owner myself, that would get very expensive giving samples to thousands of people.
Where can a person purchase the patches. Have severe arthritis and fibromyalgia.
I really need this and see if it works!
Jean, CBD/Hemp is legal in the UK. I believe they have different standards than the US in terms of potency and percentages of CBD/Hemp. Feel free to reach out.
Where is the patch available in the state of MI. I have various condition along with the fibromyalgia. Can it be purchased on line?
I would also l8me to know we’re you can buy the patches
I need this bad ,pain is bad.
Please send information on outlets to purchase products
Where can I get these to try,do they help ease the pain and what do they cost? I really need something to help me as morphine that I take isnt really helping when pain hits a high
I would really like to try this. I suffer from fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Please tell how!
I am in so much pain and really would like a treatment that gives me my life back!
I would be willing to try the patches, I’m on a lot of medication that I take through out the day. I would like to get off all them. I’m in so much pain everyday 24/7 and would like to at least try it for a treatment in hopes it would give me back so much of my life that I’ve lost.
Brenda, I have been taking CBD internal and external since Dec and it is helping. The brand I take is Legal in all 50 States. We have a preferred customer option when you refer three you get a free product. If I can help just message me.
It is hard to take this seriously because the English, grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation is so poor. It sounds like it was written by some 3rd-world person with English as a 4th language.
If you cannot spell it, you cannot sell it
As soon as it becomes legal in KY I’m on board‼️ I am disabled due to fibromyalgia and severe arthritis since 2002??
Wnhere can I find the patch? I suffer 247 with peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes and arthritis and all of my joints. I can bafely walk, the pain i my feet is the worst it keeps me from getti g sleep which adds to other problems. Please let me know when and where ig can be purchased.
Tha k you
l would very much like to obtain the patches asap
Does anyone know where to find these patches? Are they given by perscription from your doctor? I get no relief now from the tramadol I have been taking for over 15 yrs.
I would love to know more information please. I shake everyday from the pain. I have fibromyalgia, 2 herniated discs, ptsd , a anxiety disorder and migraine suffer
I personally use CBD oil and it goes right into my system under the tongue and works great for my fibro. I am concerned about the proprietary blend in these patches because it won’t give you a accurate AMT of CBD needed to help.not all CBD is created equally nor made the same. At least with what I use I know exactly what’s in it. No fillers, no crap, no mixture of God knows what. Msg me for more info
Sign me up
I am about to turn 65 in June and I have lived in pain (Fibromyalgia and Arthritis) for a long time. I tried smoking weed, but I just hate being high. The Pot is so different from in the 60s and 70s. I have always gotten a paranoid high, back then and moreso now. My doctor would not prescribe it for me, because I have many family members that have died from lung cancer. I got some from a friend and I really did get pain relief, but I don’t want to smoke or get high. He might consider a Rx if I did not have to smoke it, maybe. Is it expensive, the oils were too expensive, my husband and I live on a fixed income now. Right now all my doc will give me is Tramadol, which provides almost no relief now, because I have been on it for so long that I have built up a tolerance level to it. I also use Tylenol Arthritis Formula, but the acetaminophen scares me. My doc would probably drop me if he knew I used acetaminophen regularly. I need help so much. I rarely leave my home anymore.
Kathy, I can’t stand the head high or paranoid feeling either! In December I ordered CBD Oil from an old HS friend. I started with a 500 strength and have gone up to 750 Peppermint flavored. It is all natural and Legal in all 50 states as there is less than .03% THC so no pschycoactive side effects. I had tried about ten other types of Cannabinoids that just didn’t take away the pain. This stuff is amazing! Let me know if you want more information. I Sincerely hope it’s ok to share this in the group! Best regards, Joy Just message me [email protected]
I sent you an email asking for info. I hope you respond back.
Have any of you thought of doing your own internet searches for the answers to your questions?
I would give this a try. I have fibro, chronic back and leg pain and sciatica. My husband has diabetic neuropathy. Would really like to not have pin.
I have to many chronic illnesses to list. Fibro for 19 yrs, almost 20, fatigue and pain is the worst, more diseases keep coming and organs starting to fail. On disability and sleep a lot. Would love to be a guinea pig if possible. won’t try anything, I don’t know of someone else personally that uses it. I also process toxins quickly. I wake during surgeries. I take as little meds as possible.
I have used this for many months for pain.
Does it work enough to have you off other medication or does it work in addition to pills? I am on 7 types of medication over 20 tablets a day and would love an alternative
I would love to be able to get it and try it out My life has been turned upside down since getting neuropathy. It gets worse little by little.
i have been dealing with ffibro for 30 years and i will try anything. your article makes a lot of sense and i can see how calming the nerve endings with this tyoe of patch would work
me too I am taking 850 mg of gabapentin 4x per day
i need this type of treatment i have fibromyagia, diabetic nerve pain and migraines…..i live in illlinois where can you get it from in illinois
Thank you for the information I currently take Lyrica it does assist with the nerve pain in my feet, but this is different degrees every day.
Isodiol has Rapid Patches.
I have heard mixed reactions on this, it works for some and others it does not. Lyrica is over priced for what it is supposed to do and is a positive weight gain substance. I dumped mine years ago after finding a plant based nutritional system that worked for me, do I still have FLARES, yes, but nothing compared to what it use to be.
Not years ago, sorry, months ago.
I need this. Being type two diabetic my hands and feet have pain
Type 2 diabetes can be reversed. See all the testimonies at Forks Over Knives and Dr.McDougall’s free info site. Also, you can check all your foods or conditions out in the search box at non-profit charity NutritionFacts. org.
Also Dr.Neal Barnard’s Scientifically Proven Program For Reversing Diabetes.
In some circumstances it can be reversed but not always that’s a common myth that often makes type 2 diabetes sufferers feel awful and that it’s all their fault. Doctors looked at my diet and said I was healthy, my blood sugars always went higher after fasting. Despite being told I was healthy, I decided to up my game and cook everything from scratch with a very strict sugar detox diet that eliminates an awful lot – my blood sugars have remained the same for 2 months of doing this
I have talked with several Dr’s about cannabis medications, and none of them are even interested into looking into the benefits, none of them are educated about cannabis medications, and they all still see it as the demonized drug it has been for decades. Another thing against it is you can’t drive a vehicle whilst using it because they can’t define the difference between medication use, and recreational use. Two pain specialist’s I have seen are dead set against it, but have no problem filling you up with schedule 8 narcotics that need written approval from Canberra. It’s going to be a very long time before this becomes an accepted, and prescribed medication.
It would be extremely difficult to get more grammar mistakes into such a small article.
Mary’s Medicinals cannabis skin patch, I just google it, There are lots of places that sell them but for $18 a day who can afford a month’s supply?
Hi Deb, my company, Zija International sells 24 hour CBD oil patches that are helping so many. They cost $96.95for 30 patches- a months worth! plus shipping and tax from Utah where they are manufactured. I can help you
Diane Cummings
I’m so tired of the pain ruining my life. I haven’t been able to tolerate the medicines they give me and I’m so tired of the way people treat me when I say Fibromyalgia even in the medical profession. I’ve missed so much. Fibromyalgia, Arthritis in my knees and spine, rheumatoid in my hands. I can’t sleep most of the time without sleeping pills and insurance control how many I can have each month, go figure. Right now all I use is Trazadone, Sleepng pills, Celebrix, magnesium glysonate, and walking everyday. Stretching , it helps. I’ve tried other meds but I’d rather deal without the side effects that I can’t tolerate..
Thank you for trying to get this out for those of us that truly need it.
I suffer from fibromyalgia, CFS, parathesis, SI joint Disfunction, bilateral bursitis and sciatica pain. My father has neuropathy and degenerative disc disease. We are highly interested in gaining information on how we can obtain these patches. We live in Alabama where CBD has been legalized.
I have chronic neuropathy and currently used cbd oil and thc tincture but so far it hasn’t stopped it. I’m very interested, please advise how I can participate in this
Most dispensaries sell the transdermal patches. You need a medical marijuana card from the state you live in to purchase them though. They come in a variety of strengths and pricing. My daughter has fibromyalgia. She has been baking and taking tinctures 3 times a day. She is using 3-1 at this time but we may need to go higher.
Vaping, not baking. Sorry. Lol Autocorrect at work.
Where are these patches..
Who posts an article but not where they are sold?
Your site is so fantastic. I’m going to come back here again.
does it w ork better then the pills or the gummy bears/
Is this covered by Insurance?
Is this available in the United States? How much does it cost and where to buy it. Thank you
increase the dose and administer it 3 times per day rather than all at once. And then get some THC drops for night. I have been using it now for about 3 mos and it has helped immensely.
Please would these patches help me I have either nerve pain or muscles on steroids now pain rt side up above waiste and using tens machine rt now and do you need a medical card ? Ty hope you answer me Janet Heinze
I would like to know what the side effects are?????
I have type two diabetes and have neuropathy in both my feet and calves and I would like to try the patches. Where do I enquire on getting these patches? I would also like to know if my health insurance will cover the patches?
Where can I get these patches?
If you take some forms of CBD, be prepared when you fail a test for marijuana!!! It happen to a friend of mine that had retired and applied for a part time job in healthcare. She didn’t get the job because of her failed testing.
Who has this an how do I get it prescribed? Please get back to me.
Do you know you can get releaf from Full Spectrum CBD drops and CBD Topical Cream. try it they will give you 60 day money back guarantee. Let me know if you are interested and I can share where I get it.
The company I represent will be releasing transdermal CBD oil patches in mid March. 2019. Let me know if I can help you!
The company I represent will be releasing a transdermal CBD oil patch in mid March. Let me know if I can help you. Fibro for 20 years
These patches are still in process of testing in USA , not got them here and by the looks of things we won’t ever get them
How do I order the patch. I have neuropathy nerve damage in my feet. Also in my fingers too. Thank you
hi, where can I buy these patches
Where can one get the transdermal C B D patches? And are they being SOLD YET??? I have Chronic Arthritis Pain.
Can I purchase these patches in Canada?
I’m in Canada ??
My daughter has Gillian Barre’ it has a bad out come for my Daughter. It has been over 2 years since she ad it. She still cannot fell very little below mid-chest. We live in Texas and she as been put in a nursing home because we could not take care of her. I need help with er pain.
Will this be available in the UK and what would be the cost
I have used the topical oil, lotion, cream, and oral drops. Used them for over 3 months. Spent over $285. recieved NO relief. 30 mg -300mg per bottle. I cannot afford to keep trying ‘every’ new thing that pops up in the news. But would sure like to be pain free.
There is a Nurse Practitioner that does cannabis treatment plans. She has treated 5500 patients with cannabis. Pain, sleep, anxiety, cancer, neuropathy- she has treated all of these.
It is worth look-
Are these available in the USA Milwaukee, Wisconsin
just a point MEN get fibromyalgia as well not just women ive had it since Desert storm in 1991 but wasn’t diagnosed till around 2002 I was about 34 years old then, was told its rare in women of my age but even rarer in men even at the age of 34!
Would like to know where I could purchase?
Info please for ordering patchrs
I have severe diabetic nuerapathy in both feet. Where can I get these CBD patches?
I can help
Who has help for restless leg syndrome ?
I would like to know more info please
I would like to know if these are really available and if so where can we get them. They were to be out in March and this is already July! Or is this just someone’s dream. I’m leaving my email so if they really are available you can easily contact me.
i would also know how i can get these please contact me
I would like info on this please. I have fibromyalgia among other things. Please send asap. Thank you!!
I am interested in the patch, please message me [email protected]
I would really like more info on how to get this, please.
I would like more info on the patch , where an how to get it, an fdoes insurance cover it & MEDICARE
Hi can someone please help me. I have fybromyalga, austioporosis and arthritis and even morphine I get from.doc every day doesn’t help… My email is [email protected]
FB sandey jack
I’ve been suffering for almost 40 years I need them more info please thanks
Where can i get info on topical cream?
Where can I get these patches please??
I have severe nerve pain in both of my legs and feet. I broke my back back and no amount of prescription medicine has helped me. My doctor has changed my prescription three times and uped my dosage as well. Will this help me? Can I use it and still pass drug test at my doctors office. I want to try this product but I can’t fail a drug test because of other medications that I’m taking because I have other medical problems. I don’t want to lose my disability but I’m suffering everyday .
I’m glad they finally came out with a patch, however, is it approved by the FDA? How much is it? These are questions we should be asking. I’m concerned.
I no longer have insurance so I can’t afford Lyrica anymore. Ibuprofen barely takes the edge off. I’m looking for non addictive alternatives. I’m in so much pain most of the time. Need help!
I am inquiring for my husband, he is diabetic & has bad nerve pain. I would like to get more info for him & may be try this product… He is in constant pain …
Can i get this in wright city, mo
Please send me info as I have Fibro and diabetes am very interested
Hi my name is cecelia, native American and I’m 51 I’ve suffered from fibromyalgia for over 20 years, have arthritis in my hips and elbows and I would love to find out more info on these patches, I’ve take narcotic pain meds, for most part but been off those for over two years now didn’t like that the dosage was getting stronger with less results, , taking gabepentin for past year or so and it’s not working as good either now. I’ve gained so much weight with the gabepentin it’s even way harder to function in my daily life, I used to be active in sports but hurt so bad sometimes have hard time getting outta bed so I lay here and cry. So I guess I’m asking where I can get these patches and how much do they cost, how long do they last? Please, I’m to tired and in so much pain, would love love to try these patches.
I found this report very useful and inspiring. However… please please can you think of us and change the colour of your fonts from pale grey to black as grey is SO hard to read. So many websites and articles are using grey now and I know I’m not the only one who has huge problems with it! Thank you in advance!
Thank you for reaching out Susan. Please check now, color is changed.
Fred D Franken
I am a 66 year old male that suffers from arthritic pain in the shoulders and also diabetic neuropathy of the feet which I have suffered with for many years. This CBD patch that you speak about… I would like more information about it and also where it can be purchased and how much it would cost.
We’re can I purchase the patch this article is referring to? I am in so much pain from my fibro and I know nothing about how to purchase cbd
This article is pretty useless without the 8nformation on were or how to order these patches as I see all of these comments are on asking how to buy!
lVery interested. Would you be able to get information for me also are we able to order through you?
Hello please send me the website to order those patches… [email protected]
My name is ethel Graham I have 2 degenerate discs rite at my siatic sockets and one just below my shoulder blades I also have arthritis in both siatic sockets I would love to find anything that doesn’t knock me out
Comcast. I need soo. Relief
Hi I’d love to know how I can get this.
I’m in the United Kingdom is it legal here.. I’d try anything to reduce pain x
Where can I get this I have severe nerve pain in my left foot.
I really need to know how to get these patches. I suffer so bad with fibromyalgia, spinal breaks, osteo arthritis in my spine, bulging disc, arthritis through my joint, etc etc. Please can someone help me to get hold of these patches. Thank you.
Can you use these if you on other medications please x
Please i so much need help with this nerve pain, it is coming on so often and is all over my body. It is so very painful it brings me to tears. Can someone please help me source out these patches to purchase.
Wear can I get this at more info please can I go to any store [email protected] please email wear to get it
Dies the patch have THC in it too? Also what’s the brand name and where can it be purchased?