Lady Gaga Shares Comeback for People Who Question Fibromyalgia

While each person with fibromyalgia experiences the condition differently, one thing most fibro warriors have in common is fighting other peoples’ doubt that fibro is a “real” condition. Lady Gaga, who first opened up about having fibromyalgia last year while promoting her documentary “Gaga: Five Foot Two,” revealed exactly what she would say to those who are questioning her pain.

Gaga appeared at the MTV Movie and TV Awards to announce “Five Foot Two” had won Best Music Documentary and to present “Black Panther” with the Best Movie award, and spoke to Variety backstage after the taping on Saturday about the documentary, which chronicled her illness and raised awareness of the condition.

“I made a decision really early on that I wanted Chris [Moukarbel, the film’s director] to have full access to me and my life. I just blocked the cameras out so they could capture the realities of my life,” she said.

Of her fibromyalgia, she added:

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“To anyone that doesn’t believe in fibromyalgia: I dare you to spend five minutes in my body on a day when I’m in pain, and then try and say it again.”

In January, Gaga’s “Joanne” world tour was cut short due to her severe pain.

“I’m so devastated I don’t know how to describe it. All I know is that if I don’t do this, I am not standing by the words or meaning of my music. My medical team is supporting the decision for me to recover at home,” she said at the time.

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9 thoughts on “Lady Gaga Shares Comeback for People Who Question Fibromyalgia”

  1. Cathy Baggett

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 6 years ago. I do not have flare-ups. I’m in excruciating pain 24/7. The meds don’t help me. I’m a huge Lady Gaga fan and for her to share her story has been validation for me. It’s very difficult to suffer as we do and then have someone, a medical professional tell you need to seek psychological help bc there is nothing physically wrong with you. To tell you you don’t have fibromyalgia bc there is no such disease well, it’s wrong. Gaga has given us a voice and for that I’m ever so grateful. May God bless all of us who suffer!

  2. Cheryl White

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 13 yrs ago..I have a lot of pain..I just have come to the conclusion in my life that people are going to believe what they want to believe..I ignore negative comments about it Bc it doesn’t help me with what I’m going thru. I know how I feel and I don’t need any clarification from anyone. They either believe it or they don’t. I still have a battle to fight regardless of their opinion

  3. I have had fibromyalgia for about 35 years I’m 57 and just got diagnosed last year. because when I was younger everyone said I was a hypochondriac or over exaggerating or looking for attention and I believed them and just thought everybody must feel like this and then come to find out no!!! Not everyone has pain 24/7, brain fog and total exhaustion after even a rare good nights sleep. It’s real and a painful life. I’ve been called lazy crazy and a loser my whole life and I’m tired….

  4. I’m going through this now and yes I have friends n family who think it’s all in my head the more you take the time to understand the condition the more you might not be so judgmental. It hurts cause they all think they know. My husband doesn’t care at all. He wants to know why things aren’t done n task shouldn’t be that hard. I am in pain 24/7 n I am extremely exhausted n have been for sometime. It even took me a while to except this because of how people treat you.

    1. Thank you I felt like I was the only one especially on the husband part. I get so jealous when I see women with husbands that believe them and help them with anything they need and just the understanding of it.

  5. Jennifer

    As someone who didn’t know what was going on with them for the longest time and then finally being able to have a diagnosis and not feeling like I was crazy I was forever grateful but it is hard to describe to people what is going on because they don’t understand the pain that we are in the utter fatigue literally waking up out of bed and being so fatigued to that you can’t even get up the memory loss

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