Lady Gaga Fibromyalgia Announcement Gives Voice To Millions of Patients

Logan, Utah. Statement from Sharon Waldrop, Vice President of the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association on Lady Gaga’s recent announcement that she suffers from the illness:

“We commend Lady Gaga for the incredibly brave act of revealing her fibromyalgia diagnosis. By sharing her story with the world, she is giving voice to the estimated five million Americans like me–overwhelmingly women–who suffer with the illness.

Fibromyalgia is characterized by a long list of symptoms, including chronic pain and debilitating fatigue. The cause is still unknown, there is no cure and it lacks effective treatments and understanding. Better treatments and a cure can be found, if we raise awareness of the disease and the devastating challenges it presents daily to millions of American families.

Fibromyalgia’s invisibility and the public’s misunderstanding of its effects often leaves people afraid to reveal their diagnosis. When I was diagnosed with the disease I thought my life was over. My once-healthy body suddenly felt badly bruised and broken even though on the outside I looked completely fine. I was even yelled at for using my disability parking pass, because people didn’t believe it was mine. Those who suffer from fibromyalgia could be your friends, coworkers, neighbors and family members, who have been suffering in silence with this disease for years. It is our hope that Lady Gaga’s courageous act to step forward into the light will inspire others to do the same.

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More answers are out there, but we need everyone’s help to advocate for increased resources toward finding them. We urge the public to contact their legislators and ask them to implement and fund the National Pain Strategy developed by the Department of Health & Human Services to address the burden of Chronic Pain in America. We look forward to continuing our work on finding a cure for fibromyalgia. With the support and participation of leaders like Lady Gaga, the government, advocates and patients, no goal is unachievable.”

The National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association is your partner in tackling fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Our goal is to end chronic pain conditions from derailing lives by promoting early diagnosis, driving scientific research for a cure, and advocating for appropriate, accessible, and affordable treatments. Join our online community at

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8 Responses

  1. Sue Gilbert says:

    I’ve had fibromyalsia for 25 years. I have done endless searching and seen numerous doctor’s along with every kind of treatment known.
    Would love to hear if your group has information myself and others would benefit from.

  2. My doctor has no clue. You tell them I am not a pain scale from 1 to 10. I am a person who has terrible debilitating pain. Endless everyday, pain stops me from enjoying my life with family & friends. I have done endless searches too, but when I diagnosed in 1997 the info was very limited. NO ONE will UNDERSTAND esp your doctor.

  3. Jax says:

    The worse thing is not being believed! My pain makes me tired so I sometimes have to nap in the day. I have broken sleep at night because of the pain. Doctors aren’t much help so I am now trying cbd oil which has helped my mood. Pain and disturbed sleep make me depressed. I have noticed that cbd oil has lifted my mood which in turn, makes it easier to deal with.

  4. Lisa says:

    My neurologist actually had to convince me I have fibro along with other things. I have learned my triggers and i yield to the pain as needed. MM works for me on an as needed basis.

  5. Traveler says:

    There are alot of men out here with Fibro too. Don’t let the statistics fool you. Those stats just make it harder for us to get diagnosed and taken seriously. I have been misdiagnosed most of my life and I’m in my late 50s. Please don’t forget us men.

  6. April says:

    I was diagnosed almost 10 years ago and finally found three female nurse practitioners that understand. They worked and worked until they found a combo of medications that lessened my symptoms. I also kept a pain diary for a year and found things that triggered or increased my pain. I gave up Caffeine and tomato products. Gluten and dairy also irritates it. I have those sparingly. Of course weather is the worst. The fatigue is horrible. Taking a shower is the most exhausting thing I do. It so ridiculous how tiring a shower is.

  7. Mimi says:

    LDN has been my life saver for Fibromyalgia pain! It is the ONE and ONLY medicine which worked for me. I have been on this medicine since Dec 2023.

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