Have a Read on Fibromyalgia and Speech Problems

Fibromyalgia is a disease that has many symptoms and some of them can be confusing for people. So in case you were thinking that it only affects the energy levels of the body and that the only problem is muscle and tissue pain, you were wrong.

This kind of disease can affect almost any aspect of a person’s life and it is time we educate ourselves on it and give more understanding to people who suffer from it.

The first symptoms that usually come to mind are exhaustion and pain in every muscle, but these are not the only symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is different for each patient who suffers from it and it affects every person in some different way. For example daytime fatigue and exhaustion will be a major problem for a person who has an interrupted sleep cycle and has fibromyalgia as well.

And this will usually result in depression and increased muscle pain. But just because this is the most common symptom of this disease does not mean that it is the only one we should look at and consider.

There are numerous others that a person who suffers from fibromyalgia battles with every day. Most of the time there are all intertwined with one another and affect each other.

So with that line of thought if there is a way to help with one symptom it will result in helping with the others as well.

Fibromyalgia often leaves the person feeling fatigued and mentally confused. Many patients claim that it feels as if they have a fog setting over their brain.

From 50 to 70 percent of the patients have chronic headaches and migraines, and they happen at least two times per week.

Imagine living a normal life with that kind of condition. This leaves the patient exhausten on a physical as well on a mental level.

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One of the symptoms that may have been overlooked is difficulty in speaking when you have fibromyalgia.

Having trouble with language and having trouble speaking can be very irritating and frustrating, especially when we live in a modern society where you are in a constant need to communicate your thought clearly and where you are constantly surrounded with other people who expect of you to speak with ease and clarity.

Before your doctor diagnoses difficulty in speaking to fibromyalgia it should be checked that there are no underlying issues with the throat, the ears or the nose.

The nerve receptors of the person who suffers from fibromyalgia can get overwhelmed by the number of information as the pain receptors are constantly being bombarded by information.

The pain signals are constant and too much stimuli from different sources can confuse the brain and lead to speech problems.

People suffering from fibromyalgia find it a common problem to speak clear thoughts or remember certain words sometimes. It may even result in trouble with writing or understanding language.

Researches are not yet sure to why exactly fibromyalgia causes these language problems, because dysphasia and aphasia are linked to brain injury or degeneration, such as when suffering from a stroke.

And for now there is no evidence that fibromyalgia can cause brain tissue damage or degeneration.
We may hope that in time some link between the two will be discovered and that a cure will be found, but before that we must think of ways to make life easier for a person who suffers from fibromyalgia.

People who suffer from the disease claim that in most cases the more tired and exhausted they are the more difficult to speak it gets for them.

They find themselves searching for the right word and it simply doesn’t come to mind. Or the person finds themselves with saying a word that has no correlation with the conversion or their train of thought.

This is something that can be very frustrating when it first starts happening and it is good to find a coping mechanism to help.
It is important not to stress too much about it as stress leads to less sleep and more fatigue and exhaustion.
Try to keep a positive outlook on the whole problem and not blame yourself when it happens. Give yourself a couple of seconds, laugh at it if you can and then move on.

Some days this will not happen and on some days it will but the there are ways you can help yourself.

If you find that the more rested you are the rearer the happens then try to find ways to get a better and more regular sleep.

Make a plan of going to bed each night at the same time and get up in the morning at the same time and see if this gives you more energy.

Or if you find that it is easier for you to write than to speak for a time then communicate with the people via text or email for a while. Whichever way you find of getting yourself relief is a good way.

Because speech difficulties can be very frustrating. They can be unpredictable and people who don’t know you can get confused and impatient.

So make sure that you explain to people that this is a symptom of a disease that you cannot control and that it does not define who you are as a person. And say this to yourself as well.

We just saw that fibromyalgia has many symptoms and that affects almost every aspect of a person’s life. But it is a disease that can be fought against and the patient’s condition can improve over time.

Considering how all the symptoms are linked together speech trouble and language difficulty can result in more stress, anxiety and exhaustion if you don’t know how to help yourself. So find little ways every day to make yourself feel better if you can.

Via – livingwithfibromyalgia.net

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