Especially people busy with very common, most people “feel like beaten” a disease that has no sense to say beyond sharing with you: Fibromyalgia. According to experts, “the era of the disease.”
Quite negatively affect the quality of life that permeates every aspect of our lives, even though it is very common with this disease, we will protect your mystery.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by widespread pain and fatigue.
- generalized muscle aches, headache, fatigue, exhaustion, fatigue, sleep disorders,
- sometimes accompanied by a problem that we are also going to the toilet spastic colitis chronic disease.
- Fibromyalgia syndrome FMS briefly passing.
The following symptoms occur when the person begins to manifest:
- Knows himself, and he begins to feel like the person i used to be
- not enough for the body they want to do
- since the former does not like to be touched
- It is difficult to explain to those around him
- Still in good condition, despite the fact that all these appearances
The first data about the diagnosis, the person starts from a place of pain to be expressed that spreads throughout the body.
This pain; normally flammable, it described as sızlayıc. Sleep disorders; sleep a lot, sometimes insomnia: sleep is not supported with the mood of the person begins to deteriorate as a result. sometimes with burning pain, in addition to the above symptoms may be accompanied by a sense of imbalance.

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Depression and anxiety are some of the symptoms used to diagnose.
Fibromyalgia can cause depression and social isolation.
This effect is caused by the tension of the FMS with great physical and psychological.
This reduces the strain on our working hours and can lead to loss of jobs and still our income.
Fibromyalgia, despite the prevalence of rare cause disease, is still not completely understood.
However, it has been reported that seen in humans the most sensitive and susceptible personalities are made.
Moreover, today it is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood place.
Fibromyalgia is one of the most common diseases mixed with other disorders; because many other performances are very similar to the symptoms of the disease. There are also specific laboratory tests to diagnose the disease. At this point, people critical of the accuracy of these tests are performed in the complaints.
In fact, fibromyalgia syndrome, is a symptom of a type of community.
(That’s why it is often confused with other diseases). When these symptoms occur at the same time, the likelihood of developing the disease or illness omen is too high.
put people diagnosed with fibromyalgia; three months should follow the complaints and symptoms.
At least 12 points (region of the head-neck neck, chest, shoulders, head, the outer side of the elbow, the inside of the shoulders, waist-hip crossing point outside the outer side of the hip, knee, interior, etc.) be sensitive to pain, a basic requirement. The people complain when it comes to this, that the tests are done at this point is very important.
Most women and observed in the group of young adults.
Women changing hormonal systems (menstruation, menopause), stress, and anxiety occurs, causing the power to deal with the situation. In this case, it is preparing the appropriate field in the recurrence of the disease and settlement. Women in menopause highlighted the effectiveness of the stress hormone cortisol disease studies also support this. menstrual periods of women, in addition to physiological factors such as changes in menopause and hormonal balance; The lack of habit of sports overload the body home, excessive cleaning or frequently changing factors such as the location of the house is preparing the ground for fibromyalgia. In addition, environmental factors such as exposure to cold and heat difference can be counted among the causes of fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia affects many professions.
Perfectionists, work a holistically and in an environment where they are not very suitable for environmental factors Employees (architects, dentists, and even work office desks, brokers, and journalists …) are considered in this group.
the quality of work in person is reduced; Reduces attention skills and perception.
Enjoy it affects a person’s life, and motivation and reduces efficiency. The statistics of fibromyalgia in the United States, as it leads to job loss, then the cost of the highest ranking in patients with heart disease who received second place. economy, ie business life and adversely affecting fibromyalgia ‘disease was’ daily life can also be said.
So we see these kinds of symptoms in which we have to apply?
First, we must apply the right direction for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia in rheumatology. However, because it is a complicated disease, your doctor may want the opinions of other experts.
Or treatment?
not a single expert treatment of fibromyalgia; multidisciplinary way. they need treatment and receive the support of many branches. especially in physical and rehabilitation, psychologists, therapists, and physiotherapists to get professional help therapy required. When queries are necessary to get support from other medical specialties.
No one in all the symptoms can be very unlikely.
There is a standard way to treat fibromyalgia. inform people, exercise, and diet, there is a lot of psychological support for the drug treatment stage.
They can be summarized as follows;
- Dress according to weather conditions
- Avoid the stifling atmosphere
(Because it is not very likely to avoid stress), - learn ways to combat stress
- obtain the necessary support to live in peace with our own psychologist
- Good nutrition
- To set the hours of work and rest
- To regulate the working environment: ergonomic seats, a proper desk height, looking at the computer monitor at
- the elbow of the arm-shaped keyboard that prevents falls.
- Ourselves a good sport
- Yoga, swimming, thai-chi, and tai-bo, can be very useful in activities that are physical and mental integrity.
waiting for may hearing to be approved im in severe pain!!!!