The Best Cannabis Delivery Methods for Treating Fibromyalgia Pain

Significance of cannabis is growing more in the present times as its numerous benefits to the human body are unfolding gradually. The herb is effective in treating pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, eczema, inflammation, and much more. While addressing pain, which may cause due to many reasons, it also treats all the conditions that may lead to it like arthritis, migraine, headache, muscle spasms, and even fibromyalgia.   

We can find synthetic drugs like Marinol and Cesamet that mimics the THC compound of cannabis to treat the syndrome. THC is the chemical compound that causes high, which also has pain-relieving properties. Other compounds like CBD also equally contribute to treating the symptoms of fibromyalgia. The article will highlight potential delivery methods of cannabis to address the condition.

Fibromyalgia and its Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a condition affecting 2%-4% of the U.S population that accounts for 6 to 12 million people. Among them, 90% are females. Women are four times more likely to experience the symptoms of it. Experts consider the cause of fibromyalgia may be because of a defect in the central nervous system in transmitting pain signals. People with the disorder develop sensitivity to the painful stimuli. Their responses to the pain are higher than it actually should be.

There are debates on classifying fibromyalgia as chronic pain conditions. Also, it is difficult to identify the disorder without any specific lab tests meant for it. It can be genetic or some psychological factors like anxiety and depression that may develop chemical imbalances in the brain. Fatigue, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, stiffness, cognitive disorders are some common symptoms of fibromyalgia that may not be fatal but affect the daily lives of the individual gravely.

Women experience some other symptoms, which may include the following:

  • Bladder control issues
  • Painful menstrual periods
  • Sensitive to noises, bright light, touch
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Abdominal pain
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Nausea       

Women tend to experience more pain before and during their menstrual cycles. It is common among females during the reproductive years, where the hormones are responsible for this effect. Nevertheless, both men and women are finding relief from cannabis Sativa use due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can ease the pain.

Cannabis as the Symptom Reliever

Besides pain, below are some other symptoms cannabis can effectively treat.

Insomnia- Cannabis can be the answer to all sleep difficulties. You can manage insomnia well with its body-calming properties.

Anxiety- The same calming effects can ease the anxiety caused due to fibromyalgia pain. It has the anxiolytic effect of its cannabinoids that can inhibit the symptoms effectively.

Depression- Altering mood is one quality of cannabis that can help ward off depression symptoms of the condition. Cannabis can boost the chemicals in the body responsible for controlling emotions. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome- IBS involves other symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. Cannabis is good for digestive health and shows the efficacy to treat these symptoms. But users need to be wary about the dosage. Overdosing may make situations worse.

Nausea- The medicinal properties of the herb can work as anti-nausea. It inhibits the feeling of vomiting.

Menstrual Cramps- Women who experience menstrual cramps during periods are using cannabis as a viable herbal treatment. It can alleviate the pain and reduce other PMS symptoms.

Anyone experiencing these symptoms can get products having strains that can specifically target these. Visit the website online or any local cannabis store to find one that can suit your need.

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Cannabis Delivery Methods

Smoking has been prevalent for quite some time now. But people also like to experiment with some other ways of consuming cannabis. Here are four delivery methods that can help you combat the symptoms caused by fibromyalgia.


Vaporizing is getting the hype because of its capacity to inhale cannabis without burning the substance. Vaping involves heating the element to a point where it starts releasing vapor. It is not harsh to your lungs and does not emit a strong odor. Also, its onset is immediate as it releases into the bloodstream within minutes. If you want quick relief from pain and anxiety, this method of delivery is perfect. The experience of vaping cannabis depends on the quality of the vaporizer you purchase. Do not mind spending money on a good one, as it will last longer if you can maintain them well. 


Blend cannabis with any food. Edibles may include tea, coffee, salads, brownies, smoothies, gummies, and cookies. Grind the leaves into a fine paste or powder and mix it with anything. Its seeds even provide healthy nutrients for overall well being. Whether you buy a cannabis edible from a store or prepare one at home, be careful of the dosing as you may tend to consume more. The effect of the herb takes almost 30 minutes to show with edibles. Since it goes through the digestive tract, your body takes time to metabolize it. Find some budget buds that you can use to make DIY cannabis edible at home.


You need to use tinctures in this delivery method, which are small bottles that come along with a dropper. Sublingual use of cannabis involves administering it with the help of dropper under the tongue. You have to hold it for some time in your mouth and then swallow. There are pathways in the sublingual glands that absorb the compound and carry it to the target areas of distress. Sublingual method of consuming cannabis also can deliver quick results and relief you of the chronic pain.  


These come as creams, balms, and patches that you can apply to the affected area. The topical method of treating fibromyalgia allows you to attend to a specific area without letting the entire body consume it. Also, it keeps you away from getting high. Most people with the condition consider topical as the best method of dealing with the symptoms. There are fibromyalgia CBD patches that look similar to a band-aid. Apply it on your arms, wrists, ankle, or any other place you are experiencing pain.


It is difficult to judge the condition of people living with fibromyalgia. Cannabis gives the hope of dealing with it, allowing a scope to choose an alternative method to other medications. To legally purchase medical cannabis, you will need prescriptions. Make sure you get one and also confirm the dosage from an expert.  

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2 thoughts on “The Best Cannabis Delivery Methods for Treating Fibromyalgia Pain”

  1. Mary Beth Broderson-Soper

    I’ve recently got my Medical Marijuana card for Fibro. It’s been hard getting rid of all the pain but it does help my anxiety. I’d like to try the patches, that’s on my shopping list for the next time I go to the dispensary.

  2. It’s time for the federal government to approve this so VA doctors can write scripts also.

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