Steroids to Treat Arthritis: All You Need to Know

By Jessica Smith, Editor at CannabisMails

Arthritis develops from joint inflammation, also known as gout. With over 100 strains, gout is one disease that has evaded treatment for decades. Many medical experts have no deep understanding of the ailment. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are the most common today. They depict symptoms like pain, joint stiffness, and inflammation.

A report by the Arthritis Foundation shows that over 50 million adults in America suffer from the disease. Besides, over 300,000 children suffer the same fate, too. To make matters worse,
Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Unfortunately, with no further interventions, scientists project that these numbers will continue to increase.

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What Causes Arthritis?

Arthritis affects men, women, and children alike. Anyhow, medical research shows that women are the most affected by gout. People suffering from obesity also endure illness. In short, no one is immune to the disease. But what causes Arthritis? Our bodies have a structural component commonly referred to as cartilage. The cartilage acts as connective tissue and shock absorber to external forces. Any alteration done on cartilage density leads to immeasurable consequences.
Bones grind against each other leading to gruesome pain. Also, infections encourage gout. They take advantage of cartilage breakdown and make a bad situation worse. If unchecked, the infections might also attack your body tissues. It is a tall order. It impairs the Synovial membrane activity, something that causes a lot of excruciating pain.

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Main Types of Arthritis

There are over 100 different strains of Arthritis. However, they fall into the following four major
categories, namely:

  1. Degenerative Arthritis – occurs because of continuous cartilage disintegration. As a
    the result, joints remain exposed and cause bones to rub against each other. Injury and
    obesity only make matters worse.
  2. Inflammatory Arthritis – results from amplified immune system activity. Tissue swelling is but a means to an end. Inflammation tries to rid the body of disease.
    Unfortunately, the immunity response initiated by the body might backfire, leading to an attack on healthy joints and muscles. Pain then becomes inevitable. Genetic discrepancies also come to play.
  3. Infectious Arthritis – occurs because of bacterial infections directed towards healthy joints and ligaments. Food poisoning, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and blood infections are the primary causative agents.
  4. Metabolic Arthritis – develops from the overproduction of uric acid. Excess acid crystallizes between joints, thus causing a lot of discomfort during movement. Although intermittent, the situation becomes chronic in the absence of immediate medical assistance.
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Treating Arthritis Using Steroids

Arthritis is quite elusive even with traditional medication. Doctors have for years relied on
analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), counterirritants, disease-modifying
antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), and biological response modifiers, all of which have failed.
However, corticosteroids have proven themselves capable of treating the illness. Consumed orally or by way of injection, corticosteroids reduce inflammation by suppressing immune system activity. So, what are some of the most effective steroids used in arthritis care and treatment?

Sustanon – is a drug quite popular among athletes. First introduced in the 1980s,
Sustanon has proven itself useful in hormone replacement therapy. To be blunt; the steroid’s muscle gaining and ever-increasing power indicators remain unmatched. However, that is not all that Sustanon does. The steroid is also responsible for initiating synovial fluid production in the joints, something that leads to improved pressure absorption. Arthritis patients, therefore, benefit from Sustanon use because of the added friction. Anyhow, users can consult a medical practitioner before administering the drug.

Cortisone – shots manage the pain caused by osteoarthritis better. They target affected
areas and reduce inflammation, thereby yielding gradual pain relief. Quite similar to corticosteroids that are naturally produced by the body, the doctor can administer synthetic agents through injection. A doctor delivers the shots to affected regions, thus aiding in pain alleviation. The slow settling effects take days to realize. Unfortunately,
they do not last a lifetime! With side effects like flare reaction, soft tissue damage, high blood sugar susceptibility, hypercortisolism, and infection in the horizon, doctors recommend that you stick to an injection schedule. Taking injections in phases is the most recommended approach with a gap of three months being the most ideal.

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Prednisone – slows down bone erosion. Remember, Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) results
from the reduction of cartilage density. Low doses of prednisone, when combined with glucocorticoid, also reduce inflammation. Combining the effects of these two compounds offers pain relief to arthritis patients. Unfortunately, prednisone also has its fair share of side effects. However, these effects are manageable only when you consume the steroid in low doses. Additionally, constituting a consumption schedule helps.

Triamcinolone – is ideal for treating knee osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Once
administered, Triamcinolone battles inflammation leading to pain relief.

Methylprednisolone (Medrol) – is the drug to turn to when you want to suppress
inflammation instantaneously. Primarily engineered for acute gouty Arthritis, Psoriatic
Arthritis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Medrol’s effects supersede those of conventional treatments. However, medical experts encourage you to consume the drug in low doses and for the shortest time possible. Alternating treatment schedules can also mitigate side effects.

How to Manage Arthritis Better

Arthritis is a pain in the joints, whether mild or acute. The absence of proper control mechanisms exposes your body to a lot of risks. That said, you need to exercise a lot. Physical fitness and practice rid your body of the extra weight. It also eliminates stiffness. It is also vital that you stick to a healthy diet. It is advisable to limit your alcohol intake. Eating foods rich in Vitamin C is crucial, given that the compound reduces inflammation. Finally, stick to the doctor’s prescription. Consuming steroids in their recommended doses protects your body from more damage.


Synthetic steroids have built a reputation for helping athletes improve body structure, strength,
and agility. More so, they have proved to be effective in treating the different strains of Arthritis.
However, they pose a risk factor when overused, which is why medical practitioners encourage moderate use. Other than that, you are good to go if only you have a doctor’s prescription with

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