People having fibromyalgia have severe pain which results from inflamed tissue and muscles. This syndrome causes sore and painful spots in the muscle and can restrain people from being active. Pain can be from mild to chronic and few people suffering from fibromyalgia find it difficult to get out of bed.
In addition to acute muscle pain, fibromyalgia can also result in anxiety, depression, and loneliness because of the pain that sufferers go through.
Various methods are used by people as a treatment that includes massages, acupuncture, homeopathy, exercises, stress relief exercises, meditation, and much more. There are various changes that people with fibromyalgia must make in their lifestyles to overcome the pain.
Patients suffering from fibromyalgia often have difficulty sleeping, as a result, suffer from fatigue. Even the moment they wake up they usually feel worn out and exhausted. Hence, it is essential for people to minimize their stress levels and keep working to avoid loneliness and depression.
Many drug treatments are available and used to reduce the pain from fibromyalgia. A few of the treatments include Corticosteroids and NSAIDS which can lessen the pain, though their side effects can be very harmful.
Very often people are trying to find substitute methods to get relief that includes homeopathic and natural medicine. Such methods use natural ingredients to treat diseases and conditions.
One of the natural methods for the healing of fibromyalgia is by taking colloidal silver (2-4 ounces per day). Proteolytic and digestive enzymes can also be taken to help dissolve fibrin. Alternative natural supplements, that can help include; magnesium, curcumin, Nigella sativa, and herbal oleander. All of these items help to improve the immune system. Nigella sativa can help with, fibromyalgia.
It has been approximated that 80-95% of patients with fibromyalgia have a deficiency of magnesium which is a necessary nutrient for more than 300 biochemical functions in our body.
Colloidal silver is also proven to be quite effective in the treatment of fibromyalgia symptoms. Herbal oleander is itself a powerful immune booster and may help in providing relief from fibromyalgia. This can be toxic in high doses so it should be taken with caution in a proven supplement form.
Where D3 deficiency is linked to immune malfunction, Vitamin D3 itself is an immune modulator. Curcumin is an active element in turmeric and is an immune modulator that relieves pain and swelling. Garlic and Echinacea empowered the immune system and enhance circulation. Capsaicin cream uses an element from peppers that soothes pain topically.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause and result in fibromyalgia. People having trouble with sleeping should try Skullcap and valerian to help in sleep. Eating fruits like apples and drinking apple juice can also be very helpful because apples have malic acid in them which has proved to reduce pain and inflammation.
It is also recommended to eat omega 3’s with other necessary fatty acids. Eating yogurt is also beneficial, as yogurt contains active cultures.
It is suggested to not use sugar and artificial sweeteners along with cutting off whole grain foods from the food and bleached flour.
Among other substitute method, one is acupuncture. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) accepted this method as an approved pain-relieving method. Acupuncture is actually a traditional Chinese practice in which skin is poked by using a small that opens qi and allows body energy to flow.
Natural foods and supplements like chlorella, parsley, and cilantro are available. They are very good for us to help the body remove heavy metals.
Niacin and niacinamide are in recommendations supplements. Niacinamide is sluggish down the body’s natural detoxification phase, while niacin speeds up phase 2 of the body’s natural detoxification process. In the 1st phase, the toxic materials are lessened to small parts, and in the 2nd phase, fragments are bound to different molecules. In this procedure, various non-toxic molecules are ejected by urine or stool.
If in someone the amount of toxins is over the limit, it can create a problem. This problem is understood to cause fibromyalgia and also other problems like chronic fatigue.
People having fibromyalgia should make sure to exercise regularly and also try less force-requiring sports and games for example; cycling, swimming, and much more By staying active the conditions of great muscles and joints are also improved.
All of these described are substitute/alternative treatments to conventional drugs. These methods and medicines are when used in the proper doses and have less interaction and severe effects as compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
Nowadays many people are turning to natural medicine after spending years on pharmaceutical drugs and to no avail. These medicines are natural and are a great option for those who do not want to take drugs that are produced by the pharmaceutical industry.
It is also significant to consult with a homeopathic or naturopathic doctor with whom you can discuss the proper supplements and their doses to take for fibromyalgia. Alternative treatments like Nigella seeds and others should be considered strongly for those patients who want a natural method for the healing of chronic pain from fibromyalgia.