Implanted Occipital Nerve Stimulator Proves Beneficial for Fibromyalgia

Muscle tenderness and stiffness produces a consistent state of pain in fibromyalgia patients. The pain sometimes can be very severe. The people affected with fibromyalgia should look up for the remedy that works best for them. Since the panic condition vary from person to person so the of soothing and relaxing also varies so it is very important to set a schedule of techniques that best suits the patient’s condition..

Still there is no proper treatment found for the disease so the main focus of the medical experts is on relieving the pain or suppressing the symptoms. Pain management can be obtained by exercise practices, medications or stress-relief techniques. The other method of pain management is through an implanted occipital nerve stimulator. The recent studies showcased it to be very beneficial for those with fibromyalgia pain.

Occipital nerve stimulation (ONS) has helped a lot to the victims of fibromyalgia. The treatment involves the changes in activation patterns of the areas of the brain that perceive and process pain.

An experiment was done in Belgium in which 25 patients having fibromyalgia disorder had a lead implanted underneath the occipital protuberant, and ONS was conducted for six months.  Significant improvements in pain were observed after the period of six months. The results were concluded after observing the remarks of people on specifically designed questionnaire about the treatment. The study showed that this treatment proves to be very beneficial for the fibromyalgia patients.

After this a follow up study was performed on six patients in whom positron emission tomography scans were done and occipital nerve stimulators were implanted. The simulation results show significant differences in the patters of people who did not have ONS activators and show that the radioactive travel profile was changed considerably in multiple regions of the brain.  These altered regions consist of the cingulated cortex, posterior cingulated cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and others.

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Certain other factors were also controlled in this study. Patients were tested for their baseline mood, pain, fatigue, and other information prior to the test. This experiment was a double-blind experiment that means both the participants and the researchers had no idea that which participants were assigned to each group and results of such experiments eliminate any behavior by the participants or researcher that may affect the outcome of the study.

The outcome documented that there was a major decrease in the intensity of, and pain catastrophizing during the stimulations. Nine of eleven were provided with permanent implantation who responded to trial treatment. While only two patients did not respond to the treatment. The pain intensity of these decreased remarkably after six months. The other benefits include less fatigue, less trigger points and so on.

The medical experts concluded that ONS is a favorable treatment for fibromyalgia.  The improvements are shown in six months of implementation, and continue after.

People suffering from fibromyalgia are consistently searching for the ways that may eliminate or ease the pain.  ONS appeared as a helpful measure against this disease.

The other pain relieving methods include massage, exercise, yoga and others. People should have regular massage either from a professional or at home. The people who seek professionals for the massage should briefly inform them about their condition to make sure that the bodywork is done in a gentle way. Daily massage at home is also beneficial. Massage can be done by gently rolling tennis ball over stiff and sore muscles at home.

The other remedy is movement and exercise. Exercise can have positive affects by increasing serotonin levels in the brain. The best way to gain flexibility and strength is yoga. Restorative or gentle yoga is good as it has slow and gentle moves. The other technique helpful due to its slow and gentle moves is Tai Chi that is recommended to get relaxed and provide comfort to both mind and body.

Warm showers or baths are recommended to release muscles and joints stiffness. This practice will help to relax muscles and ease some stiffness.

There are several natural and home remedies that will help the people affected by the disease and the technique best for your condition should be selected by doctor’s concern.

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