Understanding fibromyalgia
For a successful recovery from any disease, it is important to have deep knowledge about it prior to going for any treatments and therapies. Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder with its roots linked to the central nervous system.
This disease is caused by the improper working of pain sensors and other basics of the central nervous system. The largely accepted fact about this disease is the malfunction of the central nervous system that creates oversensitivity towards pain than other sensations.
The pain sensors of a patient suffering from fibromyalgia become oversensitive and moreover amplify any pain sensations that encounter by the sensory nerves. This is mainly seen in neurons close to the spinal cord.
Patients with fibromyalgia have reported other psychological problems as well. Most psychological problems are related to the improper functioning of certain elements of the central nervous system and the largely faced problem is depression.
It is observed that the mechanisms of the malfunctions that lead to depression and chronic pain and other symptoms related to fibromyalgia are very similar.
Symptoms & effects of fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia symptoms vary from person to person. A person may not develop all symptoms of fibromyalgia. Some of the victims of fibromyalgia have one set of symptoms while others have a totally different set of symptoms.
The most common symptom that is seen in almost every case of fibromyalgia is chronic pain. This pain appears to be concentrated in some parts or may be diffusive. The other problem is the incapacity of a person to concentrate on multiple tasks.
Patients suffering from fibromyalgia develop an incapacity to work and concentrate on multiple tasks. They also develop irregular and abnormal sleep patterns that further transmit their cognitive problems.
Mood swings is another problem faced by fibromyalgia patients. Depression acts as an effect and promoter for other symptoms of fibromyalgia and is the most encountered problem. Depression arises due to the constant state of pain and fatigue.
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Patients may experience an intensified state of pain on exposure to little pressure. The results of fibromyalgia are not only bound to the central nervous system. The often-encountered problems also include irritable bowel syndrome and other kinds of gastric distress.
How sleep and mood are affected by fibromyalgia
Due to improper processing of the brain, a person may experience several problems related to mood and sleep in fibromyalgia. Continuous fatigue is the major reason behind irregular and disturbed sleeping habits.
The affected people complain about tiredness even after sleeping for long periods of time. Sleep interruption is the other problem related to it. People wake up during sleep due to the sensation of pain and sometimes develop stress due to the fact that they do not get relaxed after so long sleeping period as they often forget the wake-up calls due to pain.
As a result of it, the person feels constant tiredness and sluggishness even after a long period of sleep. This is because of frequent wake-ups and disturbances due to pain throughout sleep. This causes the brain to be exhausted. Sleep interruptions may also result due to sleep apnea.
The state of constant pain contributes largely to disturbing sleep patterns. Other problems like restless legs syndrome and tremors also disturb sleeping patterns.
Due to interrupted sleep, the moods of patients suffering from fibromyalgia are also severely affected. Almost all the problems related to bad mood and attitude are found to be a result of improper and disturbed sleep.
The consistent state of chronic pain exposes the person to developing a state of depression and anxiety that have severe effects on the mood and behavior of the patient. The problem of bad moods can be overcome by having proper and good sleep. Bad sleeping habits are caused due to the anxiety associated with fibromyalgia.