Fibromyalgia and Fever

Fibromyalgia and fever’s connection

Fibromyalgia is considered as a chronic disease that comes along with a lot of symptoms of pain in hips, spine, shoulders, neck and might even a low-grade fever. Regardless of the age and gender, there can be the occurrence of fibromyalgia in almost all individuals. But most often, there are more chances of its occurrence in women aged between 30 and 59. This is still not known, what actually causes fibromyalgia so it is a lot more difficult to find a cure for it. Another complication is this, fibromyalgia and some other diseases or disorders have some similar symptoms.

There is a combination of fibromyalgia and fever. As fibromyalgia occurs, there might be chances of having a low-grade fever at any time. No specific evidence is there, but there is a possibility that fibromyalgia can cause fever.

FMS patients have a weak immune system and there are more chances of picking up infections while these symptoms are flared up. You can have a much high fever due to these symptoms. Moreover, fever can also be caused due to severe muscle pain or tingling in FMS patients. There might be a possibility when your body starts getting very hot and you feel like you are having a fever. But when you check it with a thermometer, it shows normal fever. So, you could feel hot but you really don’t have a fever at that time.

Your glands can also get swelled because of the fever related to fibromyalgia. This swelling up can happen both in fibromyalgia or a person who is just having a fever. Moreover, if you are having a mild fever, your joint flames might get flared up.

Most probably, fever is not the main reason why individuals with FMS feel discomfort. In fact, sometimes, the individual doesn’t even realize that he is having a fever, and his focus is on symptoms that are getting him in a discomfort state.

There are some cases, when individuals with FMS starts shivering before, during and after they experience a fever. Unfortunately, no medication is there to cure fever that comes due to fibromyalgia. So, the individual has to take the medications for his normal treatment, even if he is having a fever.

One way of avoiding this fever is that you have to reduce other symptoms of fibromyalgia. Following are some things you can do:

  • Do regular exercise to reduce muscle stiffness
  • Consume proper diet to get in more energy
  • Take proper sleep to get relaxed

The symptoms of fibromyalgia and fever can be reduced if you balance your diet, like consuming more fruit and vegetables. Lots of fiber is in vegetables which helps you increase metabolism. Vitamins and minerals are present in fruit which helps you in repairing and rebuilding the muscles. FMS patients should avoid caffeine, soft drinks, processed foods, refined carbohydrates and other junk food.

There are medications for people who suffer from sleep deprivation and high-stress levels. These medications facilitate sleep and relaxation due to which the symptoms get reduced.

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Stress levels and sleep are related to each other because if you cannot sleep properly, there are more chances that you react negatively to stress. Therefore, there are some methods that help you feel relaxed and sleep much better like a massage.

Moreover, pain can be decreased due to massage but helps in alleviating other symptoms. When you can’t even sleep, you can use sleep medication. But you have to make sure that you don’t start to depend on those medications in order to get some sleep. You should take this in to account that there are some side effects of sleeping pills.

Acupuncture can also be taken as an option if you want to reduce fever that arises due to fibromyalgia. The pain gets reduced in tender points and stress can be reduced from it. Massage and physical therapy help in regulating neurotransmitters in the brain. The individual starts feeling the ability to overcome stress and pain.

Researchers have shown that fever and chill are most likely to be seen in people who are at their early stages of fibromyalgia, and individuals who are at the advanced stages of fibromyalgia experience less fever and chill.

To conclude

Fibromyalgia is considered as a chronic disease that comes along with a lot of symptoms of pain in hips, spine, shoulders, neck and might even a low-grade fever. Almost all individuals can have FMS, regardless of age and gender. There are more chances of women to get diagnosed with it. There is no exact cause of fibromyalgia and so it is hard to find the exact cure for it. Another complication is this, fibromyalgia and some other diseases or disorders have some similar symptoms.

There is a combination of fibromyalgia and fever. As fibromyalgia occurs, there might be chances of having a low-grade fever at any time. No specific evidence is there, but there is a possibility that fibromyalgia can cause fever.

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