Research is done to study the impact of early life events on person’s later life. It was to measure how much the childhood environment and events affect the psychological life of a person.
It is the disorder that not only increases the sensitivity of pain but has number of other co-morbidities. In the world of health and medicine, the primary cause of the disorder is still unknown.
There is still no verifiable indication of the causes or factors of development of fibromyalgia. A number of theories are present but unfortunately none of them is necessary evidence to prove the facts of this disorder. Women being more affected than men , this disorder overall affects almost two percent of the population.
The symptoms often related with fibromyalgia are:
- Muscular stiffness
- Chronic fatigue
- Mood disturbances
- Sleeping disorder (insomnia)
- Tenderness of specific locations
Several risk factors that lead to development of fibromyalgia has been reported by path physiologies
Risk Factors
One very important factor that has been under quite a bit of research is painful experiences that are felt during the childhood. These pain experiences cause long-term adaptation in the processing of pain by the brain. Proper treatments are needed by the infants that born with some specific sickness or children with premature births or those born under stress situations..
Newborns are likely to be subjected to many painful procedures in the clinical stages of neonatal intensive care that have the possibility of being performed daily with routine monitoring. Such newborns that need early hospitalization could have to face fourteen very painful procedures per day.
A recent research has shown that almost eighty percent of infants who face the stressful procedures due to premature births or illness were not given proper analgesia prior to the procedure.
Children may have negative affects and experience significant changes in brains for processing of the pain due to long-lasting high frequency of such procedures. The abnormal processing of pain in patients facing this disorder are result of such infant abnormalities.
By providing necessary pain management techniques to neonatal patients such Physiological disturbances can be prevented. The pain management techniques to accomplish levels of pain are not easily affordable.
Morphine and some benzodiazepines treatments are used for pain experienced after surgery and for general sedation for neonates. Some non-medical techniques that could be administered to neonates including sucrose are helpful.
According to studies for long-term chronic exposure such techniques don’t work that efficiently. The adequate amounts of pain management for neonates should be discovered to reduce various types of pain syndromes, including fibromyalgia is still under discussion and research.
Maternal Deprivation
Lack of warm and motherhood relation is a major risk factor for future development of fibromyalgia according to a research. The child-mother bond states the emotional reactivity of the child throughout their life and the type of relations that will be created with others.
A strong mother-baby relation has proven to be fruitful for healthy development of the baby. A weak and improper relation results in consistent chronic pain and issues of coping with chronic pain. According to studies, those patients will have intense levels of pain who have constant ignoring and emotionless relations.
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Patients show high even unbearable levels where there is a very weak and strangely low relation. Adults with healthy bonding styles taking acute pain tests and have low intensity levels. A direct link of the opioidergic and dopamine system and person’s living environment has been shown and this study suggests that when a parent and infant are strongly attached, the child have far less possibilities of getting affected by such disorders.
Physical and Psychological Trauma in Early Childhood
Children who experience physical and sexual abuse are more likely to develop fibromyalgia. The early life abuse results in a number of behavioral problems and types of pathological issues. Like heavy depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, alcoholism, stoutness, and even suicide.
Unfortunately the same problems are associated to fibromyalgia. Several studies have shown link of childhood abuse and early life traumas with fibromyalgia. These links also elaborates disruption of neurotransmitter systems that will affect person’s capacity to manage stress.
When early age traumas, abuses, neonatal complications, and the parent-infant bond strength are considered, fibromyalgia is highly to be discussed. However there are no significant evidence to prove this fact, still the studies and the connections documented in the research can serve as the basis for several future work in this field.
The search for the primary factors for development of fibromyalgia disorder is constantly under discussion and observation. The persistent efforts are made by researchers to get the people aware of disorder. A proper treatment procedure is likely to be discovered after the clear identification of the root cause.