Double Up These Two Drugs to Fight Fibromyalgia Pain.

Is there a more effective way to treat fibromyalgia?

A Canadian researcher think he has uncovered one. Ian Gilron is the Director of Clinical Pain Research, Professor of Anesthesiology, and Biomedical Sciences, and Faculty in the Centre for Neuroscience Studies at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada

The results of a trial suggest that combining pregabalin (Lyrica), an anti-seizure drug, with duloxetine (Cymbalta), an antidepressant, can safely improve outcomes in fibromyalgia, including not only pain relief, but also physical function and overall quality of life. Until now, these drugs have been proven, individually, to treat fibromyalgia pain.

“Previous evidence supports added benefits with some drug combinations in fibromyalgia,” says, Dr. Gilron. “We are very excited to present the first evidence demonstrating the superiority of a duloxetine-pregabalin combination over either drug alone.”

Fibromyalgia was initially thought to be a musculoskeletal disorder. Research now suggests it’s a disorder of the central nervous system – the brain and spinal cord. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the level and activity of brain chemicals responsible for processing pain signals.

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“The condition affects about 1.5 to 5 percent of Canadians – more than twice as many women as men. It can have a devastating on the lives of patients and their families,” explains Dr. Gilron. “Current treatments for fibromyalgia are either ineffective or intolerable for many patients.”

This study is the latest in a series of clinical trials – funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – that Dr. Gilron and his colleagues have conducted on combination therapies for chronic pain conditions. By identifying and studying promising drug combinations, their research is showing how physicians can make the best use of current treatments available to patients.

“The value of such combination approaches is they typically involve drugs that have been extensively studied and are well known to health-care providers,” says Dr. Gilron.

This new research was published in the journal Pain.

Dr. Gilron and his research team at Queen’s are members of the SPOR Network on Chronic Pain. The national network, funded under Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research, directs new research, trains researchers and clinicians, increases access to care for chronic pain sufferers, and speeds up the translation of the most recent research into practice.

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8 thoughts on “Double Up These Two Drugs to Fight Fibromyalgia Pain.”

  1. Margaret

    Ive been on both these drugs at the same time,and the only difference was the vast weight gain over 3 stone in lessthan 6 months

    1. I have been on both of these drugs at the same time,they didn’t help me at all, except weight gain,just what we all want. Let me tell you that getting off these drugs is also pure hell. I now take CBD oil and it works so much better.

  2. Deedee

    Read the studies conducted by the FDA. Less than 10% of study participants receiving the actual drug were actually helped. The drugs basically performed no better than the placebo. Now they were passed for Fibromyalgia is beyond me! MORE than 1/3 for each drug more like 40% actually dropped because of horrid side effects. I am disgusted that I have taken these drugs both of them for over 4 years without researching myself. Believing doctor. Detox will be hell too! The side effects people with fibro have are made so much worse by these drugs and then the doctors increase the doses! Come on….what is going on?

  3. I tried just Lyrica alone and had horrendous side effects, so there is no way that I would take it again with another drug. I’ll stick to my (unrecommended) pain relief. As my Doctor said ‘if it works, why change to something else’?

  4. Declan Holden

    It is the anti depressant the makes you put weight on I am led to believe

  5. Warren Faulk

    The combination of these two drugs destroyed my cognitive abilities, my memory was shot, I do not remember helping neighbors, forgot peoples names…. I am still recovering over a year off those drugs and improving still.

  6. Michelle O

    I can wholeheartedly agree with the almost instant weight gain. I have a lot of pain in my feet as well so extra weight equals extra pain. It’s hard enough for me anyway to keep weight off when you can’t move around much because of the pain. They even say weight gain may happen. No, it’s For Sure You Will Gain Weight.

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