By: Jeddy Jane
A low-quality sleep is a major issue cited by people with fibromyalgia. And, unfortunately, there are many factors that could be contributing to this, including your bed itself.
Sleep is hugely important for everyone, but especially for those with fibro. Sleep the time when your body relaxes and regenerates — that is, if you’re actually able to sleep.
Whatever causes your inability to get a good night’s sleep with fibromyalgia, choosing a good mattress may allow you to finally get comfortable. And with the support of a good mattress you’ll be better equipped to deal with fibro fatigue during the day.
The Importance of Proper Sleep
Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia. Getting adequate sleep is essential to limiting this frustrating symptom. Sleep apnea, insomnia, frequent awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, and restless legs syndrome are common sleep problems that lead to fatigue the next day — and the days that follow.
Anxiety, pain, being too hot or cold, being uncomfortable, and flare-ups can also cause you to lose much-needed deep sleep. And, a lot of the time, a hard, uncomfortable mattress just makes it worse. It’s much harder to manage your fibro symptoms without proper sleep; in fact, symptoms can actually worsen without the restorative power of a good snooze. So, aside from practicing good sleep hygiene, what can be done about getting the shut-eye you need?
Also Read: 25 Mattresses suggestion/recommendations that ease fibromyalgia and back pain
Choosing the Best Mattress for Fibromyalgia
Yes, investing in a new mattress could be just the thing you need to sleep better. It’s so simple, isn’t it? Just ensure you choose the right kind for fibro.
When choosing a mattress for fibromyalgia, it’s important to keep in mind how much support the mattress will offer. Memory foam tends to be a good option for someone with fibromyalgia because it can mold to the natural curvature of the body, allowing it to provide support where needed.
However, many types of memory foam can cause you to feel hot throughout the night because it changes shape through heat. A way to combat this is to try a gel memory foam mattress; these provide the same support as regular memory foam, but have a cooler surface (about five degrees cooler!) to maintain a comfortable body temperature throughout the night.
Let’s look a little closer at some of the best fibromyalgia mattress options for you.
Memory Foam
As previously mentioned, memory foam is a great choice due to it’s support and comfort. And while memory foam cushions your body, it’s not too soft on your joints. Choosing a softer mattress is not a great idea, as it won’t actually offer the support your joints need.
Some great memory foam options out there are:
- Tempur-Pedic. These mattresses are available in all kinds of densities, from soft to firm. You can really customize your mattress to what works best for you.
- Fibro-Pedic. Constructed from memory foam and latex foam, the Fibro-Pedic mattress was designed by a doctor (who is also the husband of a fibro sufferer) to help her, and his patients, sleep better.
- Sleep Number. The Sleep Number mattress is similar to the Tempur-Pedic, but you’re able to adjust each side of the bed to different angles, and even temperatures (depending on the model). There’s even an app you can use to track your sleep!
If you’re on a budget, a memory foam topper is a good option as well. They’ll conform to your body and take pressure off tender points, without you having to shell out the money for a new mattress.
Just remember, if your mattress is old and needs replacing, there’s only so much a topper can do to ease the pain — you may just need to bite the bullet and invest in a new one.
Innerspring Mattresses
Innerspring mattresses are the most common mattresses out there; the ones filled with coil springs and other foam materials.
These are of course an option for people with fibromyalgia, but they may not be a great one. The springs provide firmer support than memory foam or gel foam, but they can also cause lumps in the mattress, making it uncomfortable. They may also have too few coils, which could lead to more pain.
To prevent this, memory foam or some other kind of material can be placed atop the mattress to make it more comfortable. As long as it maintains its support in addition to comfort, it will help fibromyalgia patients get a good night’s sleep.
Regardless of the type of mattress chosen for fibromyalgia patients, it is important to remember the balance between softness and support. Having a mattress that is too soft can actually be detrimental to your pain management because it can cause uneven sleeping position and put more pressure on muscles and joints.
The bottom line is this: if you’re not sleeping well and your mattress is to blame, it’s time to say goodbye to it. Do your research and invest in a really good one — trust us, your body will thank you!
Best Mattress for Fibromyalgia & Chronic Patients by MH Shahid via Fibromyalgia Resources (Study of Mattress Type in Fibromyalgia)
Mayo Clinic (Lifestyle and home remedies)
Viewpoints (Fibromyalgia: Finding the Best Mattress)
WebMD (How to Pick Your Perfect Mattress)

I recently did MAJOR research into buying a new mattress. Consumer Reports studied all kinds of mattresses and put them through rigorous testing. It’s a good place 2 start. I ended up buying a Tuft and Needle – Mint. They use a proprietary adaptive foam and a layer of graphite infused foam 2 keep u cool. It’s firm but provides pressure relief. U don’t get stuck in it and motion transfer is very limited. It’s a great mattress with a 100 day trial period. If u find it doesn’t work 4 u, they’ll refund ur money, have someone pick it up and donate it. It’s a win, win choice.
It’s always good to try to find a mattress that keeps your hips level if our hips are not level it causes the fibromyalgia pain to push on our muscles and transfer down from our hips to our legs which become very tired always check your hips when you’re buying a new mattress if your hips are level that’s what you buy it’s always worked for me I discovered this many years ago since I’ve had fibromyalgia for 20 years.