What Should I Do When I Am Feeling Lonely?
It is essential to understand what being lonely actually means. Being lonely is a medical condition and is very different from being alone. It should not be misconceived in the sense that if you are an introvert or have a smaller friend circle or fewer people close to you, you are bound to suffer from loneliness. No, that’s not true.
Loneliness is a kind of human experience that is about feeling alone in your mind and heart. Anyone can be lonely from a student to a teenager or a working woman or men or even elderly people. It has no discrimination on the basis of age group, caste, religion, color , place ,position etc. Loneliness is considered to be a health epidemic that is growing on a very large scale especially due to the social media world that we live in. A prolonged feeling of loneliness is often associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, dementia and a shortened lifespan.
Hence, it is very important to know about the matter and ways to cope up or heel with the feeling of loneliness. It is not going to be an easy journey but at the end of it, it’s all going to be worthwhile.
So let’s begin.
What Should I Do When I Am Feeling Lonely?
Here, we are going to list down and talk about 10 ways to help people to cope up with the feeling of loneliness. So, without further adieu let’s dive in.
1. Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself
Loneliness comes with its own problems and we should not add to the problems already existing by being hard on ourselves or assuming that it is somewhere their own fault that they are in a position like this. So it’s very important to stop putting yourself down in any way. Self doubt and self-judging can only lead to exaggerating the problems rather than solving it and making you feel even more miserable.
It is very important to practice self-love. Self-love begins with accepting yourself the way you are and respecting your feelings and emotions. You can even make a list of your qualities and read it aloud to yourself every morning. Another thing is that you can even include some motivational quotes and thoughts for yourself to be motivated every morning. You need to understand that you are only human and that it can happen to you as well. Accepting it and moving ahead with an optimistic approach is the only way to cure the problem of loneliness.
2. Seek Comfort In A Friend (WHETHER HUMAN OR NOT)
Loneliness is a health problem that can not be solved on it’s own. We need to take some help from others and try to create a comfortable space in whichever way possible so that we can vent our feelings. In a situation like this pets can often come to our rescue. Cats and dogs are often considered to be a human’s best friend and can also prove to be very helpful in times of need like these. You can always confide in your pets and they can provide you with the comfort and solace that you need in return.
If not, you can always reach out to a trustworthy friend of yours with whom you are comfortable and try to talk about your issues. It can be difficult at first but you need to give yourself a little push because that is all that it needs. You can also resort to other means of comfort for example watching TV or web series or going out for a walk whatever gives you comfort.
3. Divert Your Mind Into Doing Something Of Your Choice
Whenever you feel lonely trying to do something of your choice or your hobby will always help you to divert your mind into something more productive. You can always choose to be creative and do something artistic to make good use of your time. You can do anything ranging from drawing, painting, dancing, knitting, cooking, singing, weaving etc. Doing things of your choice gives your mind peace and true happiness. Working or using your mind in a productive manner will always help you to stay optimistic and focus on your work rather than any negative thoughts. It is only meant for you to relax and calm your mind a bit.
4. Keep Motivating Yourself
Being optimistic and motivating yourself to be better and better each day is the key to defeat loneliness and emerge out victorious. You need to understand that this phase of loneliness is not permanent in your life and just like the sunrise after sunset, this temporary phase too will come to an end. We need to look at the brighter side of the situation and try to be strong while facing it. Every day little by little we need to overcome the feeling of loneliness by using measures such as self talk where you tell yourself to be strong and that you can endure this easily. It is all in your mind and once you are able to convince your mind and motivate it to fight loneliness there is no turning back.
5. Pen Down Your Feelings
Writing your feelings and thoughts process or maintaining a journal is a very effective way of fighting loneliness. A diary can always be your best friend where you can easily pour down your thoughts and it will take it all in without any questioning or opinions. This also helps you to clear out your thoughts and issues and helps you to understand the situation even better. Only when you are sure of your feelings will you be able to cope up with it. Write down anything and everything you feel like from lyrics of songs to some motivational quotes to any personal incident or mishap or just anything that you want to talk about. It will help you vent your feelings and feel better.
6. Reach Out To Like Minded People
When you are stuck up in a situation of loneliness, only people who have gone through or have similar experiences can understand what your actual trouble is. These are the people who will be able to relate to you at the maximum level and would also help you to recognize your causes and give you advice as to how to deal with loneliness.
Apart from that, you can always choose to be with a group of like- minded people whose thoughts, ideas, likes and dislikes are very much similar to you and yours. You can relate to these people and find your own happiness. It can be group of people playing games or reading together or singing together or painting together etc. Activities like these will help you find your true happiness and peace of mind.
7. Read As Much As You Can
Reading is one thing that influences a person’s mind quite instantly and effectively. Reading not only improves your knowledge and skills but also gives a new meaning and direction to your life. It changes a person’s concept of reality and helps him or her find their true path. A book can be your true friend in times of loneliness. It is going to be loyal to you as long as you keep it. It is your truest confidant and a real problem solver.
8. Meditation
Meditation stands as one of the most important ways to calm your mind, body, and soul. Meditation not only increases your concentration but also helps to maintain your physical and mental health. If you are suffering from loneliness your mind is often distracted and keeps wandering from one place to another. To get over the feeling of loneliness, achieving peace of mind, body, and soul is of extreme importance. This is why meditation is a must.
9. Take Out Some Personal Time
One of the major reasons why we suffer from loneliness is the fact that we fail to give ourselves some personal time that it requires. We are so busy living our life that we don’t recognize the need to give our mental health some attention. If you are suffering from loneliness, it is important that you take out time from your busy schedule to look after yourself. Do some self-pampering sessions or some motivational talks or even something that makes you happy like singing or dancing or even playing games. It is only when you make your inner self happy and contented that you can overcome loneliness.
10. Go Out In Nature
No one can deny the peace and serenity of nature. If you ever feel too lonely and in need of some fresh air, go out for a walk in your nearby garden. Mother nature can always heal you and help you overcome your problems. At times getting over loneliness requires you to go out and sit alone for some time while filter you out your thoughts and getting to more clearer conclusion. All this can be done in the lap of Mother Nature which provides you with utmost peace and happiness. In addition to walking, you can even watch sunsets and sit on your balcony while relishing the winds blowing. It makes you calm and peaceful and at times that is all you need.