3 Ways Lady Gaga’s “The Cure” Reflects Life with Fibromyalgia

The famous singer Lady Gaga disclosed that she is a chronic pain sufferer in 2007. And, she remained at the top in news that year. As an 11-year-old fibromyalgia sufferer, I became curious about how this disease might affect her music career. There are many ways to describe the lyrics of any song. I analyzed Gaga’s song “The Cure” in different ways. And, every time I found that the lyrics of this song represent the struggle of a fibromyalgia sufferer.

The three basic reasons due to which I consider this song as a struggle for people with fibromyalgia are:

Effort is required to perform simple tasks

The beginning lines of the song are “I’ll undress you, ’cause you’re tired”. And at the end, it says, “rub your feet, your hands, your legs/ let me care of it babe/close your eyes, I’ll sing your favorite song/ I wrote you this lullaby”

According to me, all these lines present the condition of fibromyalgia. This is a fact that all normal and simple tasks appear as a challenge in fibro. However, I’m lucky that my pain is not as severe as it was in the past.  But, sometimes a sudden pain is still unbearable. It does not allow me to do simple things like replying to mail, cooking my own food, or walking to the class. Along with this, I need my close friends and family to support me on those days.

The most affected parts of my body are the back, shoulders, and neck. And I would say “massage” in the days of pain would be the best gift ever. And, this song says all these things. Therefore, I think that all the people with fibromyalgia feel the same about this song.

Living with invisible chronic pain is very hard

According to me, the one-line meaning of Lady Gaga’s “The Cure” is: “Singing a song to release the pain of someone you’re in love with.”

The other hard thing about fibromyalgia is that it has no proper treatment process. There are medicines that help to ease the pain. Also, changing lifestyle can help to release pain. And Lady Gaga explains this by saying “can’t find the cure”.

It’s really painful to know that your loved one has to live a life with pain that is incurable. It gives me the same pain too. I believe that if there is some option to shift pain, my mother would take all my pain. She feels my pain and wants to do everything to give me relief.  I’ve seen my father in pain due to my pain.

“The Cure” seems like heart-warming words from my loved ones for me when I’m deeply in pain. The words of the song give me comfort. And, it seems like someone is really worried about me. My support system is trying to do everything that gives me comfort. And, all they wanted for me is to be normal.

Love can’t cure the pain but seems to be healing

The song has beautiful lyrics: “I’ll fix you with my love”/ “Promise, I’ll be the cure”.

However, it’s also true that the pain of fibromyalgia can’t be “fixed”. There are several ways to get some relief from the pain. But, it can’t be cured completely. Therefore, the “love” from your support system makes you feel lucky and relaxed.

It’s more like this song explains the importance of love and support for someone suffering from chronic illness. The other fact about fibromyalgia is that it’s an invisible pain. A person seems to be normal apparently. But, in actuality, he is suffering from deep constant pain. Therefore, often close friends and family take a lot of time to understand your condition.

However, the love of someone who believes in your paint can’t heal your pain. But, it makes you strong to face the symptoms. Moreover, several studies have shown fibromyalgia people with a good support system have a better quality of life. And, whenever I hear Lady Gaga’s “The Cure” I smile and thank the lovely people I have. My parents are always ready to listen to me and comfort me. My best friends who don’t know about this illness try their best to manage my pain. And, last but not least my fellow fibromyalgia sufferers including Lady Gaga are my source of courage.


I don’t know the reasons behind writing “The Cure”. And, I know people will interpret the lyrics in a number of ways. Everyone takes the lyrics according to their own situations in life. But, I believe the link between “The Cure” and fibromyalgia explains the importance of love for a chronic patient.

Surely, this song will not “cure” any pain. But, it makes me realize how much love and support I have. And, this feeling will definitely soothe my pain.

How do you take this song? Which song gives you courage and strength? Do tell me in the comments!!   

Source: caseythecollegeceliac.blogspot.com

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