Initial Symptoms of Fibromyalgia & Gallbladder

Today we talk about initial symptoms of fibromyalgia. If you are a fibromyalgia patient, you are likely experiencing widespread muscle and joint pain along with fatigue. However, the early symptoms of fibromyalgia are none distinctive and often resemble the signs of many other common health problems.

Initial Symptoms of Fibromyalgia 

As a result, fibromyalgia is often misdiagnosed. It can be confusing for patients to find what is it, fibromyalgia and lupus have some similarities, but there are differences as well. Presently, no lab tests or imaging tests are available for fibromyalgia.

What the Doctor Asks

When you see your doctor for a diagnosis he or she is likely to ask about the following:

  • a frequent feeling of fatigue pain and tender joints
  • joint stiffness especially in the morning
  • trouble sleeping
  • problems with concentration and memory are also known as fibro fog
  • feelings of anxiety and depression
  • numbness
  • tingling in hands arms feet and legs
  • headaches
  • being diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or restless leg syndrome
  • problems with urination

It’s worth noting that women are 10 times more likely than men to get fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia pain often intensifies during a woman’s menstrual period.

How Patients Response at First

Now let’s talk about initial surprising research with fibromyalgia. There are so many people coming in with this disorder and what’s happening is, they’re getting on drugs and they’re trying fibromyalgia natural treatment remedies that may not be working for them. I want to give you something else to look at.

It Could be GallBladder

Probably the last 4 out of 10 cases, it came down to one problem that has to do with the congested gallbladder. The gallbladder is located underneath your right ribcage. What happens when it gets swollen, when it gets congested, it puts pressure on the diaphragm and a nerve called the phrenic nerve. It travels up through to the right shoulder up to the head and into the neck.

initial symptoms of fibromyalgia

Worth a Shot?

The muscles in the upper trap area or the neck, contract and cause the vertebra to rotate that pinches the nerve. The pain goes right down the right side, goes up into the head. So if you have initial symptoms of fibromyalgia & more right-sided fibromyalgia pain, then look at the gallbladder. Because that could be the source of it and so what you do is you press into the gallbladder for about a minute or two and see if this pain goes away.

Digestive Issues

There are also cases where people report fibromyalgia chest pain, which can be Costochondritis. But let’s talk about if it is your gallbladder, that pain will go away so fast and you’ll be very stunned to find out it wasn’t really fibromyalgia in the first place. It was a congested gallbladder. Because congested gall bladders create a lot of inflammation and pain, and they also quite bloating and digestive issue.

A lot of the upper part of the body especially the neck, in the head and even headaches, are associated with the digestive system. There are a ton of nerves down here, that go up upward through here. Even a nerve called the vagus nerve.

Enteric Nervous System

If any medical professional reading this, it’s called the enteric nervous system, it’s part of the autonomic nervous system you have the sympathetic parasympathetic and the enteric. The enteric nervous system is all down here and that can also refer pain all the way up here.

So what you can do is press into the area and if there is a relief. Hence, I would start supporting the gallbladder. Probably change your eating, take some bile salts, of gallbladder support formula, and realize that the problem could not fibromyalgia in some cases. It’s something else. So just to bring that out and so go ahead and put your comments below and thanks for the reader.



Dr. Eric Berg

The purpose of this article has been to provide quick basic queries and answers to the initial symptoms of fibromyalgia. For additional information click on links to related resources below. But you should always rely only on a doctor to diagnose any symptoms you are or may be experiencing.

In 1988, Dr. Eric Berg got his Doctorate degree of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic.  This content is for educational intent only. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you should not use to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for any medical exam. Also, it is not for the cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. 

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