If you love someone with fibromyalgia, keep in mind that they suffer intensely!

If you love someone with fibromyalgia you experience intense pain that varies from one day to the next and from one hour to the next. We can not predict that. So we want you to understand that sometimes things have to be canceled at the last minute and it bothers us as much as you do.

We want you to know that we must learn to accept our bodies with their limits, and it is not easy. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, but we try to relieve symptoms every day. We ask not to suffer from this.

Many times we feel overwhelmed and can not cope with more stress than we do. If possible, do not add more stress to my body.

Although we see well, we do not feel good. We have learned to live with constant pain most of the time. When you see us happy, it does not necessarily mean that we do not have problems, we only deal with that. Some people think that we can not be so bad if we are good. Pain is not It is an “invisible” chronic disease and it is not easy for us to have it.

Please understand, because we can not work and we are not lazy. Our fatigue and pain are unpredictable and that is why we have to make adjustments in our lifestyle. Something that seems simple and easy to do is not for us and can cause us much fatigue and pain. Not necessarily something we did yesterday, we can do it today, but that does not mean we can not do it either.

Sometimes we are depressed. Who would not be depressed by a strong and constant pain? It has been found that depression occurs with the same frequency in fibromyalgia as in any other chronic pain condition. It hurts us to be depressed, but we are depressed by the pain and inability to do what we have used. We also feel bad when there is no support or understanding from doctors, family, and friends. Please understand, that with your support and your help lessen my pain.

disability sticker

Awareness Disability Stickers

Lets put this sticker on your car and spread the awareness. As many people out there don’t consider our illness as being disable, because they don’t know it. – Click Here to get  Yours Disability Sticker for you Car

While we sleep all night, we do not rest enough. People with fibromyalgia have a poor quality of sleep, which makes the worst diurnal pain sleep badly.

For us, it is not easy to stay in one position (even seats) for a long time. It causes us many problems and it takes us time to recover. Why not leave some activities, we know that this factor would harm us. Sometimes we are good to know the consequences it will bring.

We do not go crazy if we sometimes forget simple things, what we say, someone’s name or we pronounce the wrong word. These are cognitive problems that are part of fibromyalgia, especially on days when we have a lot of pain. It is strange to you and me. But we laugh together and help maintain our sense of humor.

Most people with fibromyalgia are very familiar with this condition, some doctors and others because we have been forced to educate ourselves to understand our bodies. So, please, if you offer me a “cure”, do not do it. Not because I do not appreciate your help or not, but because I keep myself informed and have tried many things.

We are very happy when we have a day with little or no harm when we sleep when we do something that we have not achieved in a long time when we understand it.

We really appreciate everything you have done and can do for me; Including your efforts to inform and understand. The little things mean a lot to me and I need you to help me. Be kind and patient. Remember that in this still tired body, I am still. I try to learn to live day by day with my new limits and keep hope for tomorrow. Help me laugh and see the wonderful things that God gives us.


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2 Responses

  1. Sharon says:

    I wanted to send this to my husband because I get no sympathy or compassion from him for my illness. However, there are so many errors throughout the post that would probably make him skeptical of the validity of the information.

    • Boudicca says:

      Sharon, I doubled back after a few hours because your post bothered me. I’m straight forward and you need to hear this…
      1. Never question someone else’s validity on their health condition.
      2. Fibromyalgia is real, it sucks, it is painful, and if you have it….DO NOT let your husband gaslight you into questioning yourself.
      3. Many articles have been written about the effects of childhood abuse and fibro. Do research.
      4. If your husband won’t believe you, leave him. You deserve better.
      5. The articles talk about how abuse or trauma (car wreck, etc) can trigger fibro.
      Believe in yourself.

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