Dealing With Fibromyalgia and Cold

I am a baseball mom, soccer mom, and Cub Scout mom — I wear a myriad of hats to keep my family going. I am also, unfortunately, a fibro mom, which means I must accomplish all that is required of me while dealing with a varying degree of pain.
Little league season is upon us right now, and for me, that means two boys, each with two practices and two games per week. We live in Maine, so the weather is not warm and enjoyable yet.
Until late May, it will typically be very chilly and often damp or drizzling. Spring is not kind to fibromyalgia in any way, but being a mom makes it extra challenging to keep up with busy schedules while knowing the weather will surely make me feel much worse as the day progresses.
Fibromyalgia and Cold Weather
Cold affects me horribly — I get cold and it feels like I simply cannot warm up. My muscles and joints hurt, and the pain can get quite bad.
By cold, I mean any day below 60 degrees can hurt me. Granted, I have other conditions that make me intolerant to the cold (Raynaud’s disease, lupus, and thyroid disease), but I feel the cold also impacts my fibromyalgia greatly.
All of my comorbid conditions seem to come together as I stand in that dugout, shivering. Often, my pain level reaches a point where I am fighting back the urge to just let the tears flow.
I don’t of course, I keep going — I persevere and pay the price of pain that can last for a few days that follow. Usually, the next game or practice occurs before I have had a chance to fully recover. It is a horrible cycle and a struggle I keep mostly to myself.
My silence has a price, though. I don’t get the help I need when I try and keep silent about my health, and I start to get resentful and moody because I am so tired of having to be strong.
Why Being a Baseball or Soccer Mom Impacts Fibro
With some of my boys’ activities, I must be out on a playing field during periods of cool weather. So, why does weather (and having to be out in it) have the ability to amplify the overall intensity and new attacks of fibromyalgia?
I began to see a correlation between my level of pain and my time spent on the playing field when it was chilly or damp. The less pleasant the weather, the more I hurt during the days that followed a sporting event.
I have read that researchers think the correlation has something to do with the suspected underlying cause or causes of fibro. Though there are no definitive conclusions regarding the exact cause of fibromyalgia, new findings continue to bring scientists closer to understanding the basic mechanisms of the disorder.

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What the Research Says
Most researchers agree that fibromyalgia is a disorder of central processing with neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter dysregulation. Those who suffer from the disorder experience pain amplification due to abnormal sensory processing in the central nervous system.
An increasing number of scientific studies now show multiple physiological abnormalities in the fibro patient, including increased levels of substance P in the spinal cord, low levels of blood flow to the thalamus region of the brain, HPA axis hypofunction, low levels of serotonin and tryptophan, and abnormalities in cytokine function.
What the Research Says
One study I read about found an enormous increase in the number of sensory nerve fibers within the blood vessels of the skin — especially on the palms of fibromyalgia patients’ hands.
The research was done by a team led by Dr. Frank Rice, a neuroscientist, and president of Integrated Tissue Dynamics (INTiDYN), as well as pain specialist Dr. Charles Argoff, a neurologist at Albany Medical Center in New York.
It determined that in the hands and feet, the blood vessels act as shunts, helping to speed blood flow and regulate body temperature. So, with increased nerve fibers, the fibro sufferer feels this regulation of blood flow as pain.
The study concluded that when the blood vessels attempt to open up blood flow more when it is cold, it results in exaggerated levels of pain.
Another study determined that even a cold breeze blowing across an already energy-deficient muscle of someone with fibro will throw it into a reaction of tightening up or shortening (which are the primary and key causes of pain in this disorder).
So, how do fibro parents stay on the field, cheering our kids on or helping out the team?
Making Fibro More Manageable in the Cold
Take a Warm Bath
Studies have shown that taking warm or hot baths can have a therapeutic effect on fibromyalgia pain. In fact, researchers believe taking a warm bath after spending time during the day being uncomfortably chilly will help your recover faster.
It is believed it has a secondary effect of warming your bones and taking away any chill that remains in the body that’s contributing to fibromyalgia pain and symptoms.
Dress in Loose, Warm Layers
Cloths that restrict blood flow seem to cause more pain. I dress in layers that are fairly loose and trap in my body heat. They also allow me to quickly adjust to changes in the weather (say the sun comes out and it warms up a bit) by removing a layer as needed.
It is also vital to have gloves, hats, and scarves, no matter how silly you may feel about wearing them in May. Get them in team colors and wear them with pride!
Essentially, if it feels cold to you, bundle up as needed. One tip I read about suggested wearing wool t-shirts and socks because wool keeps the muscles warm and relaxed while wicking away the moisture from excess sweating.
Use Hand Warmers
Store-bought hand warmers can also ease fibromyalgia symptoms. Place them in your pockets and stick your hands inside as needed.
This actually can keep your whole body warmer too, because proper blood flow is crucial to the warmth of the body.
Managing days where you must be outside in chilly, damp weather is a challenge for some of us with fibromyalgia. But by taking a few precautions and warming the body back up after it has been chilled, you can decrease your level of pain and the duration of the overall discomfort.
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