Balance between Fibromyalgia and Motherhood

It a very blissful experience to be a mother, but this experience can be so hard for you if you suffer from fibromyalgia also.

How much possibility is there to raise the kids while also dealing with the symptoms of fibromyalgia? Yes, there is a possibility and we will find different ways in this article that will help any mother to balance her responsibilities being a mother with the chronic pain.


Being a mother, it is so much difficult to get the energy to handle fibromyalgia and the kids, both. You should try to tell about your condition to your family so that they get to know and understand you and try to compromise with you.

Even when you feel energetic, let them know so that you can have a quality time with them. Just stay in bed if you don’t feel alright.

Giving time to your kids

Whenever you feel alright, you can go out with your kids. But what can you do if you are not feeling good and take out your children?  The good way is that take them out for some necessary shopping and when you feel good, take them out to the park, so that your good days are not spent by going to grocery stores.

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There are times when you are not feeling good and your kids want to go out. So, you should do some alternative things like giving them an art project or some kind of activity. Don’t make any promise to your kids that you can’t fulfill. It is okay in pushing things off when you are not feeling good.


Multi-tasking has been a good way to deal with everything.  Especially, mothers should learn the multi-tasking skills. Sadly, things will be done slowly and you will be less organized when you more multi-task the works. But if you do the things one step at a time, you will be less stressed out.

That means you will focus on the one task to get it done and can take breaks when you want to. You can move to the next task after the completion of the first one. But, this is a challenge for those who have a lot of things and responsibilities, and even a more challenging thing to have kids to rise. You have to learn how to live without multi-tasking, so could it be possible?

You can give your kids certain tasks if they are old enough. It will teach your kids to take responsibilities as well as you will get some time to concentrate on one task at a time without stressing yourself. Being a mother, the major point of attention is raising your children, taking care of their feed and work at a job. This isn’t wrong, but all you need to do is to eliminate as much stress as possible.

More tips

For balancing the motherhood and fibromyalgia, following are some more tips that you can do:

  1. Do more of the exercise. Exercise is an effective way to treat fibromyalgia and reduce the pain symptoms. It is true that people with fibromyalgia find it difficult to do enough of exercise due to the pain. But, keep this in mind that it is one of the best ways to heal the muscles and energize the body. The stiffness gets reduced and pain becomes less. Don’t burden yourself with doing a lot of exercises each day. Exercising for almost 20 to 30 minutes can improve your strength.
  2. Avoid smoking. As nicotine is harmful to the muscles by decreasing blood flow, due to which the amount of oxygen gets lowered in muscles and the pain starts to increase.
  3. Look into fibronomics. You should look into it. Fibromyalgia is useful for the ones who are suffering from fibromyalgia; it is how we move our body to complete the tasks with less pain and effectively managing everything. A lot of information is there regarding fibronomics. It is something worth looking into.
  4. Try to take rest as much as possible. Fibromyalgia has a common symptom, fatigue. Due to this, you find it difficult to sleep at night. If you take plenty of rest, it will reduce the chances of having stress and illness and because of it, you will manage your fibromyalgia in a more easy way while taking care of your kids. Scheduling some time for your personal hobbies like reading a book or gardening etc. can be another way to relax yourself.
  5. Dealing with fibromyalgia while in pregnancy. There are a lot of pregnant patients having fibromyalgia who reports having more pain towards pregnancy’s end. The reason is that all the factors causing pain join together at that time. So, it will be harder for the mother to get relaxed at that time.

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You need to get involved in some physical therapy program that will provide you with massages and heat at your lower back to get relaxed. Trigger point injections are also effective but you should talk to your doctor first just to make sure that no negative effect will occur in your pregnancy.

If you are suffering from fibromyalgia, the late in your pregnancy will be difficult, but you should know that you have reached the end. You will be comfortable possibly with the treatments and physical therapy.

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