10 Early Signs of Fibromyalgia to Look Out For

Living with fibromyalgia is a multifaceted challenge, as it encompasses many symptoms affecting the mind and body. 

In this comprehensive article, we dive into the many aspects of this complex condition, shedding light on the cognitive struggles, sensory overload, and debilitating exhaustion that sufferers often face. 

We also explore the lesser-known symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, and urinary issues, accompanying fibromyalgia. 

By thoroughly understanding these diverse symptoms, we aim to foster empathy and awareness while empowering those with fibromyalgia to seek the support they need to navigate their unique journey toward better health and improved quality of life.

1- Cognitive Struggles in Fibromyalgia

We all experience moments when our minds feel clouded and unfocused, but this can be a daily struggle for those with fibromyalgia. 

This condition, known as “fibro fog,” can make even the simplest mental tasks overwhelming and complicated.

Individuals with fibromyalgia may forget what they came to the grocery store for or have difficulty focusing on reading and retaining information. 

While these symptoms could indicate other health issues, they are often associated with fibromyalgia.

“Fibro fog” describes the cognitive difficulties individuals with fibromyalgia syndrome experience. 

These issues with concentration and memory can lead to confusion, disrupted thoughts, and difficulty remembering or mixing up words and details.

2- Fibromyalgia Sensitivity and Jaw Pain

People with fibromyalgia may experience extreme sensitivity in their faces, feeling like thousands of needles are piercing their skin. 

This tenderness is often felt in the jaw and other facial areas, making contact during flare-ups, particularly painful. 

Fibromyalgia may also be associated with temporomandibular joint disorder or myofascial pain in specific areas, considered regional or localized fibromyalgia.

3- Fibromyalgia and Sensory Overload

Fibromyalgia Affects each person; differently; it is crucial to understand the connections between these sensory changes and fibromyalgia to manage symptoms effectively.

Common sensory issues include intense headaches triggered by noises, nausea and headaches induced by bright lights and negative reactions to certain odors. 

Additionally, those with fibromyalgia may experience adverse effects from medications they previously tolerated well and from certain foods.

Temperature changes, especially cold, can also cause discomfort, with many people living with fibromyalgia reporting that their entire body is affected by temperature fluctuations. Cold temperatures often exacerbate aches and pains.

Increased sensitivities to light, noise, taste, and smell are frequently experienced, but many individuals remain unaware of their link to fibromyalgia.

4- Fibromyalgia: When Exhaustion Becomes Unbearable

A primary early symptom of fibromyalgia is persistent fatigue, regardless of one’s efforts. Insomnia often plagues many individuals, exacerbating their weariness.

This sleeplessness may stem from the widespread body pain, hindering a whole night’s sleep. Some even experience a seemingly restful sleep, only to awaken feeling like they hadn’t slept.

Moreover, individuals with fibromyalgia may discover that they are overwhelmingly exhausted even after minimal activity. Fibromyalgia-induced fatigue can vary from mild weariness to extreme exhaustion, like a flu-like ailment. 

Severe fatigue may strike suddenly, sapping all energy and rendering a person incapable of performing tasks.

5- Battling Fibromyalgia Fatigue: A Delicate Balance

Fibromyalgia fatigue is a relentless and debilitating aspect of the condition which can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. 

When energy levels dip, our friends with fibromyalgia can struggle to tackle even the most manageable tasks—no wonder they often feel under the weather and a bit swamped.

Some may turn to caffeine for a temporary energy boost in search of a quick fix. However, research has shown that relying on caffeine can exacerbate symptoms, leading to a vicious cycle of highs and lows. 

The fatigue experienced by those with fibromyalgia can vary from mild weariness to extreme exhaustion, akin to the fatigue accompanying a severe flu. 

The sudden onset of severe fatigue may leave individuals feeling utterly drained, rendering them unable to carry out any activity.

6- Fibromyalgia Anxiety and Depression

Fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by widespread pain, often leads individuals to experience anxiety and depression. 

While some may not be affected, many find that the persistent pain hinders their ability to engage in everyday tasks.

As a result, depression and anxiety may emerge, stemming from their inability to perform once-simple activities without pain. 

The stress and fatigue associated with fibromyalgia can contribute to social isolation and heightened anxiety. Furthermore, the ongoing deep muscle and tender point pain can reduce activity levels, exacerbating feelings of withdrawal and depression. 

It is worth considering that anxiety and depression could be inherent components of fibromyalgia alongside the pain.

Both depression and fibromyalgia can significantly disrupt one’s ability to manage tasks at home and work. Therefore, it is crucial to address any depressive symptoms with healthcare professionals openly.

7- Fibromyalgia Urinary Symptoms

One symptom commonly overlooked in association with fibromyalgia is the persistent urge to urinate. As the condition progresses, individuals afflicted with this ailment frequently experience an increased need to relieve themselves.

In some cases, they may mistakenly attribute this to an irritable bladder. However, fibromyalgia can induce the sensation of needing to urinate even after recently using the restroom. 

Interestingly, urinary incontinence is another related symptom. Among women with fibromyalgia, one in five encounters unexplained bladder discomfort and pressure. 

Additionally, it is widespread for those suffering from fibromyalgia to endure frequent urges to urinate and pain during the process.

8- Fibromyalgia Swelling Sensations

Fibromyalgia patients may feel their hands and feet are swollen, although no actual swelling is present. 

It is common for fibromyalgia patients to perceive their joints as swollen despite the absence of visible inflammation typically found in arthritic conditions. 

In addition, over 90 percent of individuals with fibromyalgia experience ongoing fatigue and disrupted sleep patterns. 

9- Fibromyalgia: Understanding Numbness and Tingling

Numbness, tingling, and pain commonly affect the face, arms, feet, and legs. Individuals may experience tingling sensations, particularly in the mornings.

People with fibromyalgia often notice stiffness in these areas upon waking up or when maintaining the same position for extended periods. 

This numbness can make grasping objects difficult, and the involvement of feet and legs may increase the likelihood of falls during ordinary activities like walking between rooms. 

People with fibromyalgia might experience numbness and tingling in their hands, arms, feet, legs, or even their faces, which could indicate other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, neuritis, or multiple sclerosis.

10- Fibromyalgia Stomach Issues

It’s common for people with fibromyalgia to experience irritable bowel syndrome, which can bring about symptoms like abdominal discomfort, bloating, and constipation. 

Although the connection between the two conditions isn’t fully understood, it’s crucial for those who notice these early signs to seek medical advice. 

By doing so, they can develop a personalized plan to manage their symptoms and maintain a better quality of life. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey; reaching out for help can make all the difference!


In conclusion, fibromyalgia is a complex condition with diverse symptoms. Let’s stand together for a brighter, friendlier future for all fibromyalgia warriors! By raising awareness and understanding, we can support those affected and help them improve their quality of life.

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1 Response

  1. Judith Constantine says:

    Thank you and ANYTHING AT ALL THAT CAN HELP would be brilliant!

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